Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wall Ball L Pull UP


  1. Fletcher, you did good man.

    WODoers: Did feel like going to the barn this am, so I did the wall balls to a 10' target and then I did 50 seconds 40 seconds etc of frog holds on the parrelletts. Talk about a shoulder crushing wods. TT= 16:35

  2. This WOD was an ass kicker for me. A true 10' target for the wall balls makes a big difference. Smashed my nose with the ball real good too. I saw stars for a few seconds. I did the L pullups on my rings. Those were hard. No super world records here but it was a good one. I was hoping for under 15 and I got it.

    TT: 14:32

  3. Did the sectional's WOD's today back to back today. It went alright, but both of these WOD's aren't really my strong points, I bet Myles would crush me on these one's. I hope I can step it up once I'm at sectionals and be in the top 30 on these... I feel I'd be able to step it up on the last WOD come Sunday, as long I'm in the top 30 at the end of Saturday.

    2010 Midwestern Sectionals


    For time:
    20 Thrusters, 95lbs
    20 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95lbs
    20 Push jerks, 95lbs
    20 Overhead squats, 95lbs
    20 Front squats, 95lbs
    *Complete 4 Burpees every minute during the WOD, until finished.

    Jacob 6:27 Rx'd

    10 Minute rest...

    WOD 2:
    Complete as many repetitions in five minutes as you can of:
    Clean and overhead

    Men will use a 155lb barbell, women 105lbs. You must start from the ground and have the bar in rack position before jerking it. You can press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk to get it up.

    Jacob 34 Reps

  4. Coach found one of my goats that I was trying to avoid. L-ups still kill me, but they were better than they have been tonight. But, I was still doing sets of 2-3 after the initial round.

    TT = 27:15

    Nowhere near you animals, but I'm better at it than I was ever before. Tomorrow's looks like an ass-kicker. Later fellas.


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