Sunday, February 21, 2010


Three rounds for time of:
75 Squats
25 Ring handstand push-ups
25 L-pull-ups

Post time to comments.


  1. A day at the range for me. Less than 30 days left in this place!!

    Subbed 115# shoulder press / push press (PP all of last 2 rounds) for HSPU.
    L-Pull-ups first round then kipping last 2 rounds.

    TT: 43:38

  2. Morey: Nice effort my friend.

    WODoers: I subbed 8 per round of full range of motion 2009 games syle hsps on parrallettes 30" apart. That's right boys,full fucking range of motion!!! Had to rest 20 to 40 second in between reps but I did to the first 3 in a row on round 3, crazy shit. I think it has something to do wtih the westside speed days. Otherwise as rx'd. 30:22

  3. No rest today

    Warm Up:
    Thruster 3-3-3-3-3

    Jacob 95-115-135-155-165

    WOD #1
    Thruster 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

    Jacob 165-174-185-195-205-210-215(PR)

    WOD #2
    Five rounds for max reps of:
    2/3 Body weight thruster, 135lbs

    Jacob 17/60, 13/55, 11/45, 10/40, 11/32

    WOD #3

    Three rounds for time of:
    75 Squats
    25 Handstand push-ups, Parralettes
    25 L-pull-ups

    Jacob 26:48 (HSPU on 25lb bumpers as parralettes, head to floor)

    Just shot for 2 minute squats, and 3.5 minutes on the HSPU and L-ups, worked well. Did want to mess with the rings, oh well.

  4. I'm back. I took the last cycle off. My body needed some rest. What a WOD to welcome me back. Especially after yesterday's festivities. AHL Outdoor hockey game where we started tail gating at 9 in the morning. It was a blast, 30 degrees out side and a nice 20mph wind in your face. The food was great the beer was cold. Had a great time with my friends and family.

    On to the WOD:

    75 Squats
    15 HSPU's and 10 115# Push press for Ring HSPU's
    25 L-pullups

    TT: 29:14

    Great WOD my shoulders are spanked. L-pulls weren't perfect, but I tried to hold form as much as possible.

    Later guys.

  5. This one was a marathon. My forearms are so tight right now, that it's hard to type. I subbed for L-ups so that I could stay in the "MMA room." Subbed upside-down L-sits on rings in rounds 1 and 3 and somewhat L-ish ring PU's in round 2. Probably not a real fair sub muscle-wise, but fair time=-wise.

    TT = 48:20

    By the time I got halfway through Round 2 it was more about just finishing than anything else. Off to watch the Canuck vs. USA hockey game. And, by the way, Friday night I found out that I'm a natural at curling. My next dream is to open up a micro-brewery/curling club when I move back to MT. Later fellas.

  6. Hey guys - I took off on Wednesday for Bretton Woods with the fam and just got back. We got three days of fresh powder, first tracks, and overall awesome skiing. Great group of friends & family too. My seven-year-old nailed his first REAL black diamond, and also hit bumps & glades which he'd never done before. Priceless. He is truly fearless, which is both good & bad. Oh, and we skied Bode's Run (BW was his home mountain and they named a drop after him) in honor of Miller's medals last week.

    Anyway, I'll start makeups Monday. Meantime, I did squeeze in the Tabata before taking off last week.

    Row 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8=64
    Squat 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-13=97
    Pullup 11-8-7-7-6-6-6-7=58
    Pushup 18-12-8-8-7-7-6-7=73
    Situp 12-12-12-12-11-11-11-11=92

    Tabata score 8-12-6-6-11=43

  7. Jacob, that workload is out of this world. Chas, Chris, welcome back! I want to make this one up. I was actually going to do it today but I can't do crap (see post for today's WOD). Was going to sub 3 things for ring HSPUs: Feet elevated ring pushups, HSPUs, and shoulder press. That oughtta cover it.


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