Tuesday, February 2, 2010


800m forward 400m backward 800m forward 400m backward


  1. WODoers: Ironically the plow guy showed up right after my WOD yesterday. Nice thing is the driveway is exactly 200 yards long and plowed today. This went much better than the last time I remember doing this wod.
    3:27/3:34/4:01/3:30 =14:33

  2. You guys know running isn't my thing, makes my triple surgery knee swell up if I do a lot of it, etc etc. But this wasn't THAT MUCH running and 1) it's constantly varied (I have never run backwards) and 2) it's a hero WOD. I can't run super hard/fast or it pounds my left knee. Nonetheless I gave it a go.

    I went to a local high school track for this one to really make sure I was running the right distances. One takeaway is that I might want to get one of those rolling distance measuring things to make sure my runs from the house are correct because using a real track seemed further, but it could just be perception. The track was really nice, brand new field, so I attached a couple of pics and a quick "pan" of it for your viewing pleasure. It would be fun to bring the med ball to the track and do that 4 rounds of run 400M squat x50 WOD some time.

    TT = 15:52 (4:22/3:17/4:53/3:20)

    My 800s were slow, I know. When I run harder the sharp pains come. This was another cool WOD! Doing this on a treadmill might not be safe. Go out to a track if ya'll have one around!

  3. There's a lot of snow out by me today so I'm going with this instead.

    Here it is...

    10 Rounds of: Note reps and times
    500m Row
    Max Floor press, 45lbs
    Max dumbbell curl and press, 45lbs
    Max renegade rows, 45lbs
    Max atomic sit-ups, 20lbs

    I'm thinking this should take well over and hour and should be a good change of pace, not too mention 1,000+ reps!

  4. Did a different wod this am.
    Row 500, then 3 rounds of 30 situps, 20 jumping pull ups, 10 2 poob oh swings, then row 1000m. I will do the Griff later today if the weather holds out. Jacob keep focused man, if the muscles are sore give them some rest as hard as it might be for you. You should be resting with minimal amounts of activity 4 days leading up to the sectional. This weekend you should do a mock sectional style workout 1 am wod 1 afternoon wod then a wod the next morning. Keep mentally focused that is the tough part, don't doubt yourself.
    I'll post later, Myles

  5. Interesting WOD indeed. Did this on a treadmill which made it extra challenging to say least. I did not keep track of my split times for fear of falling on my ass hitting the lap button. I will do this on a track next time

    TT: 15:26

  6. Did this one on a treadmill like Chris. And, like Chris, I thought that I was going to fall on my ass and all the hot girls were going to laugh at me.

    TT = 14:54 (3:40 on 800's, and no idea on 4's)

    Before Christmas I was running a straight mile and a half slower than I did in tonight's run. I guess I only did net 1/2 mile forward though.

    Later fellas.

  7. Workout for Tuesday was 21-15-9 of:
    Rowing (cals)



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