Friday, February 19, 2010

Thruster Pullup


  1. Wodoers: I did strict L pullups and 135# thrusters.

    thruster 7,7,6,5,5

    pullups 8,7,5,5,4

    Did full lockout of shoulders on pullups. Rested 4 minutes between rounds. Good wod. Failure comes quick on the heavy thrusters.

  2. My thruster weight today was 125
    Thrusters 12,12,12,10,12
    Pullups, 30,20,20,20,25
    Yesterday got me good.

  3. I did not get to Linda, it is kind of hard to set up and really fucking hard to do! That is one WOD that really stands out in my mind! So great job to you beasts who got it on w/ Linda!!

    After work, got to do thruster/ pullups.
    BW 213#
    140# thrusters / pull ups
    10- 7-7-5-7

    Total reps = 85

  4. Man, my shoulders felt like shit today. I don't know if it was a lack of warming up, just a tough last couple days, or if I need some re-aligning. I stopped PU's when my kipping lost rhythm.

    BW - 220
    145# Thruster - 3, 6, 6, 6, 8, 6
    kipping PU's - 12, 10, 10, 10, 10

    Total - 85

    Headed to a "Curling Clinic" tonight at some skate rink/bar/curling club. Should be interesting. Later fellas.

  5. I don't know about you guys, but this WOD wasted me. There is something special about max rep heavy thrusters. My heart rate skyrocketed for several minutes after each set of those bastards.

    BW = 213 today
    Thrusters = 140

    Thrusters: 10,10,8,9,DNF
    Pullups (kipping): 25,20,20,12,DNF

    I ran out of time. The fam had somewhere to go and we were already late! I rested a few minutes between all sets. Garrett looks like a crazy WOD.


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