Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tabata This

Tabata Row + Tabata Something Else


  1. WODoers: Rowing made pullups pretty sad. Also, I never really felt like I was breathing that heavy, but I did feel like pukie periodically throughout the wod. I think those one minute rest do that.

    5,15,4,10,15= 49

  2. Don't feel bad Justin I pulled a boner on this one too, had 16 across the board and then put up a 14 for my last interval of pull-ups and did the same for push-ups, only doig 12 towards the end, ugh!

    Here's the break down...

    8,17,14,12,12= 63 (Lowest)
    9,17,15,15,15= 71 (Average)
    45,136,126,122,119= 548 Points

    Prior to tabata did...

    Warm Up:
    Deadlift 15-10-5

    Jacob 150-200-250

    WOD #1
    Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 270-290-310-320-330 (Tried to keep perfect form, posted a video of my last set at 330lbs)

    1 Minute Deadlift ladder, 225lbs

    Jacob 10 Rounds

  3. Man, I felt good doing my warm-up getting some of the kinks worked out. Then, it was all downhill from there.

    Did 70# db KB swings for rowing. I also got stopped in the middle of my 2nd minute of squats. One of the trainers pointed out that I lean forward in my air squats. So, I started over with squats were strict and slow.

    KB's - best 12, lowest 4
    Squats - best 14, lowest 10
    Push-ups - best 20, lowest 7
    Pull-ups - best 12, lowest 7
    Sit-ups - best 15, lowest 12

    Total Tabata - 40

    Tomorrow looks like a fun one. Later fellas.

  4. Good work everyone on Chipper. That was a muther for me. I am impressed w/ everyone's times! I was freakin' sore all day yesterday and took the day off. So am a day behind. Did Tabata This this AM.

    Jacob: Sick numbers again man! Wow!
    Mike: 2 pood kb swing subs for rowing!? Wow man, that is tough! I subbed 45# SDHP for the rowing. Pull ups, ughh..

    45# SDHP 14-15-15-15-15-14-14-13
    Squat 19-16-13-14-13-13-13-14
    Pull-up 10- 7- 4- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1
    Push-ups 16-16-16- 9- 7- 6- 6- 6
    Sit-ups 15-12- 9- 9- 9- 9- 8- 9

    Tabata # 13+13+1+6+8 = 41

    3 Bars of Death tomorrow!!!

  5. DUDES!

    I HAD to rest yesterday after that chipper. That was a beat down. I slept like crap the night after that too so I was in bad shape yesterday morning. I'll do Linda tomorrow but my lower left back hasn't stopped hurting for a month when I did DL 3's and tweaked it. Might do some rowing, then bench and cleans.

    Not sure if what I did is the most effective strategy for workload, but I tried to gameplan this one and pick a number that I thought I could hold throughout. Turns out I was wrong on the situps, pushups, and pullups, but hit my target on squats and rowing. On squats I will shoot for 14 next time.

    Score = 50 (8,13,6,11,12)

    Rowing: 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 = 8 (good number, quite hard)
    Squats: 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13 = 13 (shoot for more next time)
    Pullups: 7,7,7,7,7,7,6,6 = 6(Damn those last two sets)
    Pushups: 12,12,12,12,12,12,11,11 = 11 (last two sets were KILLER)
    Situps: 13,13,13,13,12,12,12,12,12 = 12 (did an extra set for fun)

    Had a great talk about periodization with a trainer last night, but I'll post on that another day. This post is already too long and I know how that drives you guys crazy.


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