Wednesday, February 3, 2010



  1. WODoers: Not as much improvement as I had hoped from the last time I did this in 08, but I think I was accidnetly using a low 9' target back then. Today super slick road to run on, non-OSHA approved 24" box jump set up, and a 10'8" wall ball target.

    Kelly kicked my ass in 34:47.

  2. Hey Justin. I have a PDF with plans to build an OSHA approved plyo box. Let me know if you want tme to email them to you, or anyone else for that matter. You need a circular saw, drill, some screws, wood glue, and some wood. Also I topped mine with 3/4" stall mat rubber. It's not that tricky to build, but you have to pay attention to the angles. Don't rush through it. I have made four of them, two for Chel and I, and two for my buddy Sean.

    I am going to take today off. Have a cold (first time in a few months, so better than last year at least), my son has been bugary and congested for about a week so it's my turn. Lower left back is still pretty hurtin' from those DL's a couple of weeks ago. Lost my form! I hope to do Kelly tomorrow, looks like an ass kicker.

  3. Dudes I built 2 of those boxes per the plan on the journal. It is easy to do, make sure you use 3/4 in plywood.
    My am wod
    4 rounds of
    10, 275 dl
    20, box jumps
    15, 95 push press
    15, strict pull ups

  4. Not RX'd, only have a 20" box, did the runs on the treadmill and the wall balls in my living room. I have vaulted ceilings so a 10' target is doable.

    TT: 28:24

    Enjoy rest day.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well nothing beats a nice easy WOD in front of the TV!

    For time:
    100 Dead Hang Pull-ups
    100 Parallette Push-ups
    5k Row
    100 Parallette Push-ups
    100 Dead Hang Push-ups

    47:59 Rx'd

    100 Pull-ups 7:50, 100 Push-ups 4:15, 5k Row 19:27, 100 Push-ups 5:50, Pull-ups 100 10:35

    Resting my joints and pulled muscles doing light weight stuff, trying to keep limber and heal. I feel surprisingly good after this one and I was happy I was able to still row sub 20:00 after the pull-ups and push-ups.

  7. Kelly was a mean girl. I had to drop a deuce after my 4th round run. So, I had a good break towards the end of the WOD which I'm sure helped out tremendously.

    Warm-up: MJ Jump Rope Routine
    50/40/30/20/10 side-to-side, heel-toe, skip
    50 DU's
    TT = 8:04 (PR for sure)

    Kelly (mid-break excluded)
    TT = 31:12

    Looking forward to the day off. Besides working out, has this week and last week been hellish for you guys too? Later fellas.

  8. Kook, have you seen any ELK running around up there in the snow?

  9. Today at our gym we did 4 min of squats, situps, pushups, pullups.

    I used the 20lb vest and did 167 squats, 88 situps, 106 pushup, and 35 pullups. Felt good about it, haven't been wearing the vest, noticed it most on the pullups, but it made the pushups hard too.

    Next hour: 1 min of max burpees 38 (no vest)

    Afternoon: WOD: Welcome to the Jungle:
    Tire leaps, rope climbs, rings skin the cat, chest to bar pullups, toes to bar, ring dips, kipping step up pullups, 1 arm kettles, and muscle ups.


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