Monday, February 8, 2010

10x2 Squats

I'm interpretting this as:

1st set
rest 60 sec
2nd set
rest 60 sec, etc.
til 10th set


  1. I mean 10 sets. Fletch, I need help! Brain quit working.

  2. Dudes, this one was tougher than expected. One minute goes by pretty quickly but not too, too surprisingly quick. A partner that could help switch out weights would definitely help.

    135, 185, 225, 255, 275,
    295, 315, 325x1-f, 275, 275

    Looking forward to a sore rest day. Later fellas.

  3. I got your back Mike, no pun intended. I modified the post. Looks like a good one. I'll post later.

  4. Thanks for the post fix Chris. And, my back, hamstrings, shoulders, neck, etc, etc, etc, are definitely sore.

  5. Dam those stiff legged deadlifts. My hamstrings are not stoked about those. Went snowboarding all day yesterday probably didn't help. Today's WOD was cool here are my numbers
    225,245,265,285,315,325,335,345,350, 315.
    The weight switching took the whole damn rest period. Will be doing some Oly technique stuff later today.

  6. WODoers: To do today's WOD westside style, you would use 1/2 of your max weight and you would attempt to execute the reps as quickly as possible. I did a speed work out based upon the Westside video on today's post.

    Seated clean and press dynamax ball as fast as possible 3 reps 10 rds 20 seconds rest

    Max height wall ball, averaged between 13 and 15 feet 2 reps 10 rds 50 seconds rest, jammed my finger pretty good somewhere along the way, that wall ball is fucking hauling ass when it comes down from 15 feet!

    Knees to muscle snatch with dynamax ball
    2 reps 8 rounds 60 seconds rest

    I had to switch to pvc bar for last two rounds, very hard exercise

    Tested vertical jump at the end of the wod and it was 28 inches, or three inches below the rim. Pretty good for being at the end of that workout. It has always been a dream of mine to dunk a basketball. I could dunk a soccer ball in college, but now I think if I use Louie's crazy exercises I might just get the BB dunk in my mid thirties.

  7. Myles, those are big numbers! Justin, awesome post, love reading your crazy stuff. Guys, I am back in the saddle. I'll try to do this tomorrow AM if there isn't too much construction crap in the garage. Today I did Stephen. Wow. Posted over there.

  8. I'm going to hit this one Westside style as well. I thought it was 75-80% your 1RM. The Simmons video confuses me a little.

    Thoughts? Comments?

  9. Chris,

    Go to the westside website, you can get free pdf's of the actual schedules. It is a twelve week cycle, but I am pretty sure its between 50 and 60%, bepending on where you are in the cycle.

  10. Fellas, on Monday the Avalanche did overhead squats for max effort.

    I ended up with 195x3 on my last attempt. Good to know that I can do a 195 snatch balance to get it up. Now if only a 200 snatch!

  11. Justin, thanks for the reference. Really good stuff between the CF journal videos and the pdf's.

    Guys, if you haven't watched the video or read the pdf's from Westside's website It's referred to as the Pedulum Wave.

    From the pdf article they give you an example on doing squats. For the squat week 1, 50%; week 2 55%; week 3 60%; week 4 back to 50%. Change from bands to chains, add weight releasers, use the lightened method or overcoming a rested load, or change your grip or stance.

    I guess I got my percentages based on what he said in the journal video when he mentioned if you are not using gear then do 70%-75%-80% for weeks 1-3, then back down to 70% week 4.

    Either way it sounds like this shit works. Some seriously strong ass powerlifting dudes. 800# squats and up!! Sounds like this could be applied to any type of lift, which it sounds like that's what you are doing Justin.

  12. I promise this is my last post of the day.

    Did this WOD Westside style. My squat max isn't all that impressive, but maybe this type of training will help me out.

    75% 1RM


    I messed around with jump rope afterwards and did some arms shit.

    Later fellas

  13. Dudes. I kept this light, at least it felt light, but I was @ 80% 1RM (315 is 1RM.

    air squats and stretching, then I did 12 rounds cos the first two were light....


    First time with back squats with lifting shoes. I worked on form, and actually did something new, not sure why. I went ALL the way down, as far as I could, and paused for a second. That felt really good, a good ol' deep squat. I like me some squats, too bad I am not very strong.


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