Tuesday, February 23, 2010



  1. WODoers:

    Did squats first today.

    squat 385# PR!

    press 175 tied pr. 180 would have happened but shoulders still fatigue from Sunday.

    Deadlift 445# Skipped past 465 and tried 470#. I got it off the ground about 2" but that was it.

    Then did bench for fun got 245# then failed at 265#. I am guessing it would be around 260 if I was fresh.

    CFT 1005# tied pr.

  2. Holy shitballs Justin, that is awesome!

    Still taking it easy on my joints...

    Warm Up:
    2k Row followed by 1 mile run

    Jacob 13:58 (2k Rom 7:31, 1 Mile Run 6:27)

    WOD #1

    5 Rep Max Crossfit Total:

    5 Rep Max Back Squat
    5 Rep Max Shoulder Press
    5 Rep Max Deadlift

    Jacob 755 (BS 250, SH 155 and DL 350)

  3. I decided to skip the CFT and make up Linda from last week. I was a bit pressed for time so went 10-8-6-4-2, but I went up in weight from the last time I did it. That time, I finished the whole thing in about 43mins. Today, up in weight to:

    DL 275 (~130% BW)
    BP 175 (85%)
    CL 135 (65%)

    But it still took me 27:25. Those weights were tough for me, lots of broken sets. I think next time Linda comes up, I'm going to switch it up and go lighter weights to target 25mins or so for the full 10 sets.

    Tomorrow I'll try to make up one of the 2 WODS I missed, either the thruster/PU or Garrett. Any thoughts as to which one before I get back on track w/ the mainsite?

  4. I caught up on the 5k today. Will post over there. Don't really feel up to a CFT, plus I only have about 15 minutes to try and get it in.

    Chas, I'd go after Garrett instead of the Thruster/PU. Garrett was a tough one, which I always enjoy finishing more.

    Way to go Kook!

    Later fellas.

  5. Way to move the weight Kook!
    Did the CFT w/ all good intentions of setting PRs through all exercises.

    Back Squat = 340 PR by 5#
    Shoulder Press = 160 tied PR
    DLs = 385 (previous PR 405#, obviously not doing enough DLs recently, kind of like my 5k from the other day)

    CFT = 885, previous PR 895

  6. Justin, holy crap dude. You are a strong mother fucker.

    No CFT for me. Same lifts but not max effort. I don't have enough to max on the deads.

    BS 225x5,255x3,255x3
    SP 135x10,155x3,165x1
    DL 255x10,300x5,300x5

    Is anybody else sick of winter yet? I feel like I'm in a rut. I need some motivation, just to see the sun would be nice. Okay, I'm done whining for the day.

    Enjoy rest day.


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