Saturday, February 6, 2010

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5


  1. WODoers: Did westside speed day.

    shoulder press with snatch grip
    95# 3 reps 10 rds 45 seconds rest

    power clean then 2 front squats
    165# 8 rds 1 minute rest

    olympic style deadlift with snatch grip one rep
    255# 6 rds 30 seconds rest

    In round 6 of the front squats I realized I had accidently loaded a 45 on the left side and 35 on the right, so I had an uneven 175# on the bar. No wonder the cleans were harder than normal. I couldn't figure out why I kept having to shift the bar to the right to have it feel comfortable. Last, I used my legs to try and "throw" the bar as high into the air as I could on the second rep. It was fun!

    Also, if you don't know what the olypic style deadlift is, buy Greg Everett's book "Olympic Weightlifting" from amazon. Its one of the best ways you can spend $35.

  2. Of all the WODs in all of CF, there's one movement I would have absolutely, positively guaranteed would NOT come up the day after yesterday's sumo-fest. Guess which one. Fuck you Coach...

    Anyway, I still managed to make a 10# PR at 5RM, after working out the kinks:


    Then 205x20

    Also snuck in 100 GHDs. I can't wait for tomorrow's WOD, which I now guarantee will be more DLs.

  3. Nice PR Chas... 205 for 20 had to suck! My backs just hurting from thinking about it, I'm resting myself from heavy lifts as of lately do to aches, pains and injuries... oh well.

    Kind of went at this one at 90%, but plan to go all out 1 or 2 more times before sectionals.

    Warm Up:
    2K Row, 3:00 Rest
    1K Row, 1:30 Rest
    500m Row, 0:45 Rest
    250m Row, Done

    Jacob 2K 7:22, 1K 3:29, 500m 1:37, 250m 0:47

    1 Minute Ladder, once you time out at one couplet move on to next ladder starting over again.

    Ladder 1:
    Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 135lbs
    CTB Pull-ups

    Jacob 9 Rounds, +9 SDNP, +5 CTBPU

    Ladder 2:
    Kettelbell Swing, 2 Pood
    Glute Ham Sit-up

    Jacob 10 Rounds, +11 KBS

    Ladder 3:
    Ring Dip

    Jacob 10 Rounds, +11 RD, +5 Burpee

    Ladder 4:
    Wall Ball, 20lbs
    Back Extension

    Jacob 13 Rounds, +14 WB, +8 BE

    Total Time: 35 Minutes, Total Reps: 555

  4. Yeah guys it's been a busy week of working out. Doing a bunch of other stuff than the .com
    Today did reverse grip shoulder presses 3x5
    Then reverse grip bench press 5x5
    Did a amrap 4 minutes at each station of
    row for cal
    burpee pull up
    tire flips
    box jumps.
    I have been doing double days for about 2 weeks and it feels good. Got about 1 1/2 months till the sectionals. Jacob yours are next week right? Are you getting nervous yet? I am, it's gonna be a big one this year. fuckin represent man. Rest day for me on monday, can't wait!

  5. Nope not nervous Myles, I'll do whatever I can do. All I expect from myself is to be tired at the end of each WOD and push myself as hard as I can. Other then that, it'll be what it'll be. I wasn't nervous last year, but each time has it's own unique feeling. I hope I don't get caught up in nerves once I'm in Missouri... but we'll see.


  6. I'm a bit behind again with another Fri-Sat rest weekend. Catching up today though. Did Heavy Sumo Inverts first. Could tell that ate up a lot of grip strength, but don't think it hurt me that much.

    135, 225, 275, 295, 315x3

    Later fellas.


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