Thursday, February 18, 2010



  1. WODoers:

    Had to sub cause only have one bar and no bench, so 30 300# deadlifts then 30 155# clean and jerks. Deads were much harder and took longer than expected, something in the brain about having to do 30 in a row. Clean and jerk was a mother and took about as long as I had expected.

    I think it was a good sub but definitely faster than Linda TT= 27:20 Still no walk in the park though.

    Spent so many days at or below zero that now I don't need gloves for this WOD at 15 degrees outside and I had to go shirtless after the deads to try and cool down from all the sweat.

  2. Did this last time in 24 minutes and today got redemption.
    Bodyweight 176lb
    275lb DL
    185 BP
    135 full squat clean

    TT 18:09

  3. Myles. That is VERY impressive. This is one WOD that I am not confident I will ever be able to do RX'd. My BW:Strength ratio just isn't there.

  4. Kook, you truly are crazy. You're a machine Myles.

    I didn't have enough time to truly go after this one tonight. I had my class at the U of H, then after getting to the gym and warming up I only had about 25 minutes to get after this nasty girl.

    BW=219 (down 20+ since Christmas)
    BP - 215
    Cleans - 165
    Deads - 315

    Rounds of 10, 6, 4, 2 - TT=about 20 min.

    I was hoping to be able to do all even rounds, but knew I would have enough time if I threw the 8 in there. I think this one would be near an hour long battle for me to do as Rx'ed, if I was able to finish at all.

    Linda isn't a nasty girl. She needs a category all her own. Later fellas.

  5. I hereby declare a new CrossFit acronym. LW. LW is your "Linda Weight", or... the weight you think you can do Linda RX'd in 40 minutes or less. Please add this to your CrossFit acronyms library.

    I think my Linda weight is 180 lbs. I mean this is about what Myles weighs and he's waaaay stronger than me, so what the heck?

    A month ago during a PR of DL 3's I tweaked my lower left back and it's still tweaked, I lost form in lieu of getting a good lift on the final set, third rep. In the interest of getting back to normal down there I skipped DL altogether.

    BW = 214
    LW = 180
    Bench = 180
    Clean (full squat clean) = 135

    I did all the reps/rounds

    TT = 20:59

    All rounds of bench press unbroken. That was cool, we are now at the third time I've benched in the past 15 years. I'm gonna keep on benchin', I like me some bench.

    Cool thing about this WOD was the cleans. This is the first time I have ever felt like I had proper form with cleans. Something just "clicked"... part of it was remember the feedback on the video of my thrusters. "get that bar up on your deltoids, get those elbows out in front of you...." it's just so unnatural to do that but today I really was. It felt great. Pulled the bar off the floor not too fast, then explode right around knee level and get under that thing, I was catching it low and right up on my throat with my elbows sticking straight out in front of me, then going down to ass to grass front squat. It was great.


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