Sunday, April 4, 2010

10-1 DCJ 1-10 WPU

These have been laying around my new office for months, cause I had no place to put them. So I took them home and made a way difficult way to go upstairs for bed. It is about 10 x harder than climbing a rope. Made me laugh about that old movie, "I'm gonna get you Sucka." You can take the window or the stairs...or the metolius post


  1. WODoers:

    I subbed 1 arm clean and jerks with 95# olypic bar. For the pullups I started verticle with the 20# dynamax in my feet and then finished in the full L with chin above hands on the rings. I think I fucked myself up good on this one, I will be sore tomorrow. Get some.
    TT = 17:18

  2. I did 95# C&J's with the bar instead of dumbbells and 25# for the weighted pullups. First time going overhead with my shoulder in about 3 weeks. It wasn't too bad, the normal pops and cracks.

    Good WOD, TT: 17:54

  3. What's up guys. Justin did you post that picture, or was that you Chris? That is funny. I want video of the climb!! I'd laugh my ass off at that.

    Took me two hours to stop constantly hacking yesterday after all that rowing. Held pace for a 6:56 2K row for 1700M and then fell apart and DNF. 2K row balls out is the hardest WOD there is in my opinion. The rest of my rows yesterday were slow cos' I got beat down by the 2K. Normally I would say it is unfathomable to keep going after that. It's like getting a Fran PR then doing more WOD's right after that, which would work for Jacob, not not normal people :-)

    Today was awesome. I did it RX'd with 45 lb dumbbells. I did the full ass to grass squat clean and jerks. I had a problem, I did the first ten C and J's then looked at the clock and it hadn't started. So I got to do CFWUx2 + 10 reps DBCNJ for warm-up. Blast.

    TT = 21:01. Those weighted pullups beat me down the last two rounds of 9 and 10. That took like 4 or 5 minutes because I was strict about the chin. I failed like 3X and had to wait for muscle recovery then do those over.

    Happy Easter!! He is Risen! (I'm sure I'll catch flack for that one. Oh well, screw it.)

  4. Somebody was on "my" squat rack all day today, so I had to use the PU bar that I have to jump to reach. So, the first 1-5 sets of PU's were L-ups, and the last 6-10 sets were kipping. C&J's with 45# db's. Should have used 65's.

    TT - 16:29

    Happy Easter. Later fellas.


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