Saturday, April 24, 2010


Always sad to see a new hero WOD. RIP Paul. This one sounds heinous! Anything that takes Pat Barber 20 minutes you know is going to be a beat down. Can't wait to read how those overhead carries go! No way my back could handle that right now.


Five rounds for time of:
50 Double unders
35 Knees to elbows
185 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards


  1. "Going Back to Cali" in a couple of hours. Max woke me up at 5:30 today, gee thanks little buddy.

    This morning I did my own thing. Back was feeling that rowing, but not terribly, some sharp pains.

    4 Rounds of:
    25 GHD situps
    20 Back Extensions
    Bench Press 165 lbs Max reps


    reps: 15-12-12-12

    Later dudes

  2. WODoers: I scaled this one cause I woke up late. It was a disaster. Had to reset up twice during the workout. Had wrong weight on the bar at the start and had to move my stall matt into the driveway cause rocks were flying into the garage door like bullets on the dus. Started out with 50 dus but I hate my new rope. Finished with 20 dus and 20 ktes, did the walk as rx'd. TT=25:58 Doing this as rx'd would double my time.

  3. I didn't dare attempt the 185# OH walk inside my house. I scaled down 155. Another interesting twist is my gym is rougly 12' long so I had to make 5 trips back and forth which made it fun stabilizing the weight above my head when I had to turn around. I did 100 singles for the DU's, not the same I know but close enough for me. It was a great WOD, RIP Paul.

    TT: 23:11

    Craig have a nice trip to Cali!

    Later fellas.

  4. Short on time (and space), so I modified this one heavily to get something done:

    3 rounds of:
    50 side-to-side jumps over 135# barbell
    35 GHDSUs
    135# barbell overhead, 50 standing marches

    Kind of made up that last one, mostly b/c the 135 was just lying there.

    TT = 17:05

  5. I scaled the walks down some because I didn't really have the room to be carrying around a 185# barbell. Plus, I don't think the gym trainers would've liked that idea too much. Anyway, I did OH 60# db walks instead. Otherwise, as Rx'ed.

    TT = 36:01

    I thought this one was a deceptively tough WOD. DU's weren't the best today and kte's are always tough. I liked the walk though. It was kind of fun after getting the weight overhead.

    Have a good rest of the weekend and a good rest day tomorrow. I predict a 10k on Monday. Later fellas.

  6. WOD #1
    5 Rounds for time of:
    15 Hang Power Cleans, 135lbs
    15 Burpee's

    Jacob 3:23 (This time with bumpers)

    WOD #2
    5 Rounds for time of:
    50 Double Unders
    35 Knees to Elbows
    20 Yard Overhead Barbell Walk, 185lbs

    Jacob 18:30 Rx'd

    Kenny 24:03 Rx'd

    WOD #3
    "The Triple Tower Run"
    2.5 Mile Run, up 3 different parking garage stairs (13 flights total) then running down each of their ramps, then back along the river.

    Jacob 16:00

    Kenny 16:20


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