Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Front Squats

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps


  1. Travis thanks for the compliment. Jacob thanks for the reality check! : ) Craig has an awesome set up doesn't he. Glad to see you killing it there.

    Warmup 135x10
    WOD: 155x3,175x3,205x3,225x3,230x2(pr)

    Later guys

  2. Guys, go to Jacob's blog and check this out. Crazy, funny. They are doing Paul in the street, and a car comes up, and Jacob cleans the 185 throws it up and just starts walking towards the car. Imagine what the driver was thinking? Here's a dude with what looks like something really heavy over his head, and he is coming at me with it. TOO MUCH!!!

  3. WODoers:

    Been forever since I have gone heavy on anything, so I was way stoked with what happened today at the globo gym.

    185x3,225x3,245x3,275x3pr,315x3pmfr!, 345x1 pmfr!

    There was no way to attempt reps two and three at 345, but I am still super happy with multiple prs. The 3rd rep on the 315 literally took two to three seconds to get from the bottom to the top. It was like watching a dog trying to shit out a peach pit as I saw myself slowly keep going up, shaking the whole way, in the wall o mirrors at the globo gym.

    I feel like a gigantic vagina compared to that Dave video on the mainsite. Holy fucking front squats!

  4. I wasn't going to let traffic ruin my last round Fletcher.

    Yeah it was funny though, the guy was looking at me in his car like "what the hell?".

  5. WODudes,

    Justin, what a blow out day on the front squats. Looks like you need to lay off the heavy some more. Chris 230 is solid!

    Today at Avalanche the WOD is 40-30-20 of Pullups and Abmat (butterfly) situps. 33 pullups in a row on the first round, grip gave out. Total time 6:39. Myles set the pace this morning pre-7am when I showed up and I was gunnin for his time.

  6. Justin you are one strong mother fucker. If you feel like gigantic vagina with those numbers, I don't even know what that would make me. Damn dude, your warm up set is my max. FS's seem extremely hard to me but my #'s keep going up so I guess the Fit is working.

    Thanks Travis, I'm a year and couple months into the CF. I've made enormous gains in strength. Not bad for a guy who turns 40 in July!

    Great work guys, I love this shit.

  7. Justin feakin sick on the front squats, nice work man! That's what you call "Man Strength", don't think I'll ever be anywhere near there.

    This is what's on the agenda today in Fletcher's garage.
    Warm Up: 8:45AM
    Front Squat 15-10-5

    Jacob 115-145-185

    WOD #1 8:15AM
    Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

    Jacob 195-205-215-225(PR)-235x2(PR)

    WOD #2 9:50AM
    3 Rounds for time of:
    10 CTB Pull-ups
    10 Front Squats, 165lbs
    10 Burpees

    Jacob 5:02 (PR)

    WOD #3 10:15AM
    10 rounds of:
    Row, 1 minute
    Max GHSU, 1 minute.
    *After completing the WOD due 1 handstand push up for every 5 meters under 3000 meters.

    Jacob 2,810m Rowed, 200 GHSU and 38 HSPU in 2:24 after the WOD

    Now time to study!

  8. Great work by all!!

    Today was my first group WOD at a real CF gym, and that was just really freaking cool. The owner of CrossFit Redding was there (Kevin) great guy, good to have a trainer helping you out, I really liked it.

    WOD # 1 Back squat 2-2-2-2-2
    Craig (kept it light cos of my problems)

    Gary: 245-275-305-305-315

    Chelle - not sure?

    WOD # 2: "Easy Fran" 21-15-9 65 lb thrusters and jumping pullups.

    I figured this would be a piece of cake, but not when you are going balls to the wall!

    All thrusters unbroken, a little rest on the jumpers. I don't know our times, but Gary and I finished at exact same second I think. I videoed it, I'll post it later on. Gotta get ready for the trip to the coast for the next two days. Throat and lungs were burning!

  9. Yeah Craig, Welcome to the Jungle! Jacob, I'm gunning for your front squat this afternoon.

  10. Way to go you Vagina Kook!! Those #'s are animal man. So I took a lot of time off and drank lots of beer and smoked more cigarettes (those things are bad for you ya know). Anyway, 2nd day back at work at first day back at the YMCA!!


    Then ran a mile in 7:46 (haven't run in over a month.) Back into a routine again..

  11. Travis, I'm sure you got me on this one.

    Hit it hard!

  12. Did this one last night, but didn't have time to post at the gym after I got done.

    185, 205, 225, 245x2, 245

    It kind of felt like cheating leaving the gym after only breaking a light sweat instead of being in a full sweat and barely able to walk down stairs.

  13. Did some cleaning in the gym this morning. At the sectionals I got 275 no problem, which was a PR. So I set my sights on 285 and could not get it. I dropped back to 275 and did it. I got under 280 but was out of fuel and couldn't get up. So 275 it is for now. I think under different circumstances I could get more. Good luck this weekend Jacob give it everything you have.

  14. Yes, good luck to you Jacob. I've seen the WOD's for this weekend and they look very Jacob friendly. The triplet and the run you should kill. How's your C&J these days?

    Anyway good luck!!

  15. In case anyone is interested

  16. Jacob: Crush it.

    Morey: Glad to see you back!

    Mikey: That guilty feeling you were talking about all went away for me this morning when I tip toed down the stairs in pain. Wow! I am fucking sore.

    Travis: Nice to see you posting again.

  17. Thanks Myles... I plan to run fast and the rest I'll just have to deal with.


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