Friday, April 9, 2010

Weave's on the Cover!!

Check out the main site. One of Travis's WOD times is posted. Badass!

Five rounds for time of:

135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Handstand walk 20 yards


  1. I just noticed a couple that got done working out and TOOK THE ELEVEATOR down one flight of stairs! Seriously? When did people get so fucking lazy?

    Weaver could've beat the down the stairs on his hands!

  2. People do that at my office do that all of the time, I just don't get it.

    I don't know when I can WOD, but it ain't gonna be today. My back is so bad it hurts to stand up and sit down. It's still residual from that DL pull I did a few months back. DT resurrected the injury with a vengeance. This sucks.

  3. Weaver: That is fucking awesome to see your name on the main site. Congrats on the link to your box to! That should be good for business.

    WODoers: Did this as rx'd in 4 degree weather on frost covered uneven ground. Had to use cold water to warm up my hands after the wod. Fucking brutal, never got more than 5 steps in a row on my hands. TT= 26:54

  4. Guys, it was cool to hang out with Tony B. Myles and I got some really positive feedback on Avalanche. It was funny because we didn't warm up or anything, he asked Myles if he knew how to walk on his hands and Myles said "not as far as Travis can". Five minutes later we had the racks up, bars loaded and handstand walk measured with cones. It went pretty smooth and wasn't so bad while doing it, well maybe the last couple handstands were brutal, but the worst part was teaching the next class 2 minutes after finishing and the fact that my legs are so damn sore that it makes the upper back and shoulder soreness mild.
    Check out the vid on our facebook site if interested.

    Justin- you are hard core!

  5. Way to Travis and Myles! That's awesome guys congrats.

    Justin you are an animal. I admire your determination and effort. Craig sorry to hear about you back dude. Injuries suck ass, I hate them. Hang in there man.

    Today's WOD was fun but it was an ass kicker. Aren't they all? I can't say I did this RX'd but I attempted the HandStand walks and could only go a couple steps before falling over. So I did this at the beginning of each round and then I had my wife assist me on the remaining distance. You guys doing this RX'd are strong and more coordinated then me. My kids think I'm crazy. Oh well, good stuff.

    TT: 15:57

  6. You guys rule.

    I've never met any one of you, and I'm only on this blog - literally - because I posted on the mainsite that Fletcher should put more of his results there since we're the same age and size and he invited me on. That was three months ago, and since then you've all kicked my ass. But as I look back on my results since December, I've had a huge bunch of PRs (and a couple of huge PRs). I can also remember a good number of WODs that in the past I would have scaled or punked but went ahead with and finished, just so I could say so here.

    Crossfit has been great to me in a lot of ways since I started a year and a half ago, but this group has been the biggest one. Please, please tell me anytime any one of you is in or near SW Connecticut. There's a tiny little basement gym and an endless supply of beer waiting for you.

    Cheers, Chas

    PS Craig, I'll give you and me a target: My college-age 2K rowing PR was 6:23. My modern-age PR is just under 7mins. Let's hit sub-6:50 next time that distance comes up, and if it doesn't by Mem Day (or my bday on 5/20) we'll hit it on a rest day.

  7. I'm a day behind but made this up. I did 1min (total time, excluding rests) HS holds, BS as rx'd.


    That was a weird one. Blood goes up, blood goes down, blood goes up, blood goes down...

  8. Chas, I'd like to discuss rowing strategy. Like for a 7 min 2K. Do you try to hold a 1:45 split throughout, or start slower for the first 1K then try to pour it on later, or what?

    6:23 is INCREDIBLE. I've never rowed until around a year ago when I got the C2, so I don't know how my technique is. I learned from the videos.


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