Thursday, April 8, 2010

DT (Not Delirium Tremens)

5 rounds of 155 lbs
12 DL
6 PP


  1. Khalipa = 1
    Fletcher = Goose egg

    TT = 15:35
    Did it RX'd at least. Great WOD, mental battle.

    * Did PP's from the rack. I figured why not. I have two bars and a rack and this looked gnarly enough to do RX'd as it is! HPC's have always been one of my better lifts. Final round done in 2:35, HPCs went 5 and 4 PPs unbroken (in final round). Pukey was lurking during those final seconds. Being really winded and doing 6 reps of heavy PP's invites the Puke Man, but he was turned away.

    Really wanted to not see a 16 on the clock. Later dudes. Rest day cometh.

  2. WODoers: I wish I had a rack and 2 bars! Did this one rx'd from the dirt. Made up my mind to do all 6 PP in last round and I was sure glad when I saw fletchers post.
    TT: 15:02

  3. Today I'm a happy man. I've been laying low and doing what the doctor ordered for my shoulder. It's been over a month since I went heavy overhead with my shoulder. What a welcome back with DT.

    I'm proud to say I did this sonofabitch RX'd today. I missed it last time in July because I was on vacation. Last time I did it was last April and it wasn't RX'd, I used 135 and I did it just under 18 minutes.

    TT: 16:42(PMFR) Fuck yeah!

    Enjoy rest day!

  4. Call me Charlene, but I did this at 135# throughout. This was just based on experience; last time DT came up in August I did 135 and finished in 19&change. Today:

    TT: 15:05

    Not as rx'd, but at least a solid PR for me at scaled weight. I'll take it.

  5. Did it in 10:29 kindalikapussy. Tony Budding came to the Avalanche gym today and interviewed Travis and I for Crossfit Radio, kinda cool. Then Travis stomped all over him in a wod with handstand walking. Need a rest day but don't wanna.

  6. I just realized that both Craig and Justin did Push Press and not Push Jerks for this WOD. No wonder you guys beat me. You both cheated. You've been disqualified, both of you bastards!

    Have a good weekend guys! Just busting balls.

  7. I dunno. By round 4, there was no way I was going to get overhead w/out catching it in a jerk.

  8. Damn it! The Push Presses that were supposed to be jerks were the hardest part for me. I swear I did them legit too... locked out, that's why I almost puked at the end. NEXT TIME I'm going closer to 14 minutes and I am going to do jerks.

    Got a call from Tornado last night telling me about what Myles wrote here, but what Travis also told me was that there was a good chance that the WOD he and Tony did will be the main site WOD tomorrow, and there may well be a video of the two of them going at it on the main site. WOD was something like 5 rounds of 20 135 lb back squats and walk 60 feet on your hands. I am probably not 100% accurate there, but it's close.

  9. For the record fellas, I realize PP's are harder than PJ's. That's why I went harder with SP's. Just kidding, you guys kicked my ass good. It was my first really kick ass WOD since my shoulder injury. I loved every minute of it. Toughest part for me were the HPC's. I love me some shoulder lifts.

    Later guys

  10. I'm a day late on this one tonight. I have my engineering test coming up next Saturday and have been trying to kick the studying up a notch. So, I had a day's rest on all of you.

    with PP's as Rx'ed - 14:31

    Did this in rounds of:
    12 deads unbroken, rest 20-30 sec
    6 cleans, rest
    3 cleans, 6 PP, rest 1 minute

    Enjoy the weekend. Later fellas.


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