Tuesday, April 20, 2010

15 minutes of Cleans

Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

Post the highest and lowest loads to comments.


  1. This ranks right up there with my snatch. I'm just not very good at them. I think with more practice and some bumpers I would feel a whole lot more confident. I caught the bar a couple times right in my throat, good I guess, but not good from a pain perpective. Hey I still got me a PR.

    Lowest load 135
    Hightest load 200(pr)

    Finished off with ABRipperX.

    Enjoy rest day!

  2. Guys, weigh in here. Power or squat cleans? The vid posted on the mainsite is pretty ambiguous, though when I read the WOD I assumed full squats. I'm fine either way but I want to stick with one mode and set my weights accordingly.

  3. Chas, unless they specifically say power clean, a clean = full squat cleans. Hope this helps.


  4. Interestingly, today's video suggests either or even both...

  5. I agree the video is confusing but unless specified, a clean is a squat clean. From HQ's FAQ's:

    Squat clean aka Full Clean aka Clean = start from the floor, catch in a full squat.

    Hang clean = start from the hang position above or below the knees), catch in the full squat position.

    Power clean = start from the floor, catch in a quarter or half squat position aka the power position.

    Hang power clean = start from the hang position above or below the knees, catch in the quarter or half squat.

  6. WODoers: I did this as choice of clean or power clean. A full clean is just a failed power clean, so just go for max load and see what happens. I was fired up. I threw up my old full clean pr at 235 in a power clean. Then I got 250 for a pr in the full clean by 15#. Sweet.

    loads were 205 through 250pr

    I think lots of prs will happen cause with just a minute there is no time to think, just do.

  7. Damn Justin! 250 is big time. My HPC PR is 225 I think.

    You could say a full clean is a failed power clean IF you can get down into full front squat and press back up, execute the finish.

    I'm bummed. I'm sick, and I can't do cleans. Oh well, I have much to be thankful for overall. Gotta keep that perspective.

  8. So I did these all as full squat cleans, since the front squat is where I need the most work, relatively speaking. Loads were 190/165.

    190 is a PR for me on SC, so I'm happy there. Really almost got stuck in the hole on that one (last I checked, my FS pr is only 205), true to your comment Justin that SC is a failed PC.

    Fucking chicken legs. I'll get there.

  9. My take on cleans is:

    Power Clean - from the floor
    Hang Clean - from a hanging position

    The squat is just a consequence of your form. People with good form that catch the bar well will catch it low in a good squatting position. The people that catch it high (like myself) don't show good form and the top end lifts suffer.

    Anyway, as Rx'ed - 185/205

    Thanks for the Arcadis plug. I checked it out earlier today, but it didn't look like they had any mechanical engineering positions open. I'm enrolled at Gonzaga to get my MBA starting this fall finishing next summer. So, I'm not in a big rush to find a job just yet. That's probably what I should've done last year at this time rather than taking this job. Oh well, lesson learned.

    Later fellas.

  10. Did this one today and felt good up until minute 13, but still super pumped at my performance over all.

    1 Clean every minute for 15 minutes:

    Jacob 225lbs For the entire WOD

    Considering 225lbs is a PR off the floor for me either in a squat C&J or a Power C&J I was happy that I could power through this one. It's weird though my best hang power clean is still 250lbs. I went deadlift to hang power clean for 250lbs since the weight had to come off the floor for the WOD is was doing. But either way today was a huge milestone for me.

  11. And damn impressive on the cleans Justin!

  12. Wow. Between the lunge/sq/BE and cleans, my legs are FRIED.

  13. Justin, damn dude, you are strong, that is teriffic.
    Jacob, good performance!
    Fletcher...sick again?
    Going to work on this one tomorrow.


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