Sunday, April 11, 2010


Five rounds for time of:

40 pound Dumbbells split clean, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups


  1. WODoers: No dumbells and didn't have time for 105 pullups on the rings, so:

    5 one arm split cleans 135#
    7 20# medicene ball pullups
    five rounds

    TT: 8:21

    Floating the river so gots to go. Later fellas and congrats to Weaver again and great to hear all the positive thoughts Chas!

  2. My legs are on fire from yesterday's back squat hell. PR'd on this by over 2 minutes.

    TT: 14:41(PMFR)

    Chas, great post. I may be in your neck of the woods down in White Plains over the next couple of months. I'll take you up on the offer of a cold beer! There is a bunch of great guys on this site. I've only met Craig because I work for him. The others only through the blog. Who knows maybe someday we can call meet and do a WOD or 2.

    Enjoy your Sunday guys!

  3. I'm running a day behind, made up BS/HS today and I'll hit this one on Monday.

  4. Why is this called DT or Erin? Isn't it just Erin? Dudes, no WOD yet, still hurting good, or.. bad. I wish, it feels like a part of my body got torn off (not to WOD, that is). Great posts lately. Chas, we love you too buddy, stoked that you are on the blog. We'll meet some day all you bastages! How about a three day CTCCFC blog dudes party some day! I'll host. Come out to Colorado and let's get it on.

  5. WODudes,
    Got another contest this coming Saturday for the Fittest of the Sierras by South Tahoe Crossfit. One of the events is Row 500m, 400m sandbag carry (80lbs), row 500 m, 400m farmer carry 35lbs.

    I was curious to see how shitty the sandbag run was, so I picked up a sandbag, threw it over my shoulder, set the clock and charged out the door. Upon returning in 2:05 I pulled out a rower to see how much it would suck, then carried 2 35lb kettle bells for 400m and then said aw shit might as well give it another 500m row. 10:27 later I was done and not that thrashed. We'll have to see how eager the other guys are and how hard they charge. Then weighed the sand bag...78lbs.

  6. Travis that WOD sounds nasty, strong work man.

    Felt good today and started off strong, but faded fast.

    WOD #1

    "D.T. ME"
    5 Rounds for time:
    12 Deadlifts, Bodyweight
    9 Hang Cleans, Bodyweight
    6 Push Jerks, Bodyweight

    Here's a video of my last round. Everything went well and I think I could have gone a little faster, definitely sub 9:00 next time.

    WOD #2

    "Sandbag Shuffle"

    For time:
    50 Squats, 45lb Sandbag
    200m Run, 45lb Sandbag
    25 Walking Lunge Steps, 45lb Sandbag
    200m Run, 45lb Sandbag
    50 CTB Pull-ups
    200m Run, 45lb Sandbag
    25 Walking Lunge Steps, 45lb Sandbag
    200m Run, 45lb Sandbag
    50 Squats, 45lb Sandbag

    Jacob 12:45

    Nate 14:33

    Evan 14:43

    WOD #3 (WOD #1 for Evan)

    5 Rounds for max reps of:
    Bench Press, Bodyweight
    Ring Dips

    Jacob (185lbs, Btw. 169lbs)

    BP: 14 RD: 20
    BP: 13 RD: 20
    BP: 10 RD: 19
    BP: 8 RD: 15
    BP: 7 RD: 15

    Total: BP: 52 RD: 89 T: 141

    Evan (205lbs, Btw. 195lbs)

    BP: 15 RD: 20
    BP: 12 RD: 17
    BP: 15 RD: 12
    BP: 10 RD: 16
    BP: 9 RD: 12

    Total: BP: 61 RD: 77 T: 138

  7. I only have the small weights to make 30# DBs; PUs as rx'd


    Not as rx'd, I know, but still a PR by about 6mins from last summer.


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