Monday, April 19, 2010

Lunges, Squats and Back Extensions

3 rounds for time of:

Walking lunge, 100 ft
50 Squats
25 Back extensions


  1. Here's your wake up call from the East coast. I decided to give this a go early this morning.

    TT: 8:56

    I did some arms and abs stuff afterwards just for fun.

    Later fellas

  2. Chris, way to go getting your ass out of bed today. Nice! Now you are done for the day. This one read as fast and furious, and you definitely went fast. This was eerily similar to what I did yesterday!

    Today I did a rendition of yesterday's WOD, even though I feel like ass and am hacking up boogars.

    10 rounds of:
    3 54 lb Weighted pullups
    3 HSPU
    3 Ring pushups

    I used a belt with a chain from which my 1.5 pood KB dangled. I just didn't feel like holding a dumbbell with my feet, so there. I found that if I use the grip with one palm out and one palm in, I had a lot more consistent power for the WPU's. This was also the first WOD where I didn't use the AbMat for a head target for the HSPU's, I went full ROM on all of them, head to floor. Those got pretty hard after a while, definitely one of my goats. Ring pushups were done slowly with full ROM. Lower back is upset about this WOD. Oh well... I felt better yesterday after I did a WOD, so I figured I'd do one again today. I didn't time it, probably 15-18 minutes I don't know. HSPU's (done correctly) slowed me down for sure.

    If you are still with me, check this out! My wife Chelle is 37, 5' 2 1/2" (I measured yesterday) about a buck fifteen... she did the rowing intervals WOD:

    Round 1: 2:02 (PR for her!)
    Round 2: DNF (Leg cramped up bad), rest about 5 then
    Round 3: 2:10
    ROund 4: 2:12

    I was proud of her! She's short, a lady, and 37! 2:02 is legit!

  3. I did gmornings w/ a 45# bar instead of BEs for this WOD.


    Nice work Chris. And Chelle!

  4. Fletch, I just took the FE/EIT. I might sit for the PE in a year or 18 months if I passed this one. I really have no idea what I wanna be when I grow up though. So, at least I got that going for me.

    Way to go Chris and Chas. You guys whooped my ass. The lower back and legs definitely started to stiffen up on me during my second round.

    As Rx'ed TT - 14:57

    I was really happy with my time until I logged in and saw what you guys posted. Later fellas.

  5. Thanks Mike! Hope you did well on the test. I'm not sure what you are looking for in terms of a career,but ARCADIS is a great company to work for. Both Craig and myself work there, check it out.

    That's my shameless plug for day.


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