Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back Squats and Ring Dips

Five rounds for load and time of:

Back Squat, 3 reps
20 Ring dips


  1. I had to sub pushups for ring dips because dips just aren't happening with this shoulder of mine.

    Warmup: Back Squats 135x10, 205x5

    WOD: Load 245/10:39

    It's not my max on back squat X 3, but something I knew I could maintain through out the 5 rounds and I think that was the objective of this workout.

  2. Chris, good to see your early morning posts. What do you think of the AM WOD times compared to evenings so far?

    Guys, I get sick of writing this and you get sick of reading it, but still not 100% and the lower back is still jacked. I called Weaver this morning to get some injury recovery tips, left a voice mail.

    For this one I scaled the weight down and upped the reps.

    5 rounds of
    back squat 205 x 8 reps
    20 ring dips (my goat!)


    All BS sets unbroken. They weren't all that hard but it was a bit painful too on the lower back. I don't know if I should just stick to body weight stuff right now or what.

    Ring dips done in sets of 5. Got em all done though, I don't know if I've ever done 100 RD's in one WOD.

    Rob Orlando could surely stomp a hole in my ass, but I didn't think his ring dips were full ROM.

  3. Travis: Good to see you post again. Nice to see you kicking some ass at the competitions too.


    Well you certainly crushed me on the ring dips Fletcher. I did 3x315 deadlifts instead of squats. It was a fair sub, my lower back was still worked from the cleans.

    TT: 17:50

    Fucking ring dips took forever. My were all singles by round 5.

  4. Craig, so far I like the morning WOD's. Its an adjustment, but it's pretty nice waking up and kicking my own ass bright an early. Plus this time of year is crazy with my son playing baseball. I'm coaching this year and it consumes my time after work with practice and games so it's a good thing.

    I agree with you on Orlando's ring dips, a whole bunch of weak sauce there. Don't get me wrong he's a tank and strong as hell, but come on.

    Myles, Travis and Justin, you guys are some strong bastards. Kill it in San Diego Myles!

  5. Justin, it must have been strategy. I started by limiting to 5 reps and I kept it that way. I didn't tell the truth though. I did sets of 5 on the first 4 rounds, but not in the last round. The last ten were 1's and 2's. Forgot about that.

  6. Hey dudes Travis and I had an interview with Tony Budding a few weeks ago. Its on the Crossfit Radio if you want to hear it. Oh and damn you mutha fuckas can clean some weight. Peace out need some rest

  7. Myles, listening to it right now! The part with Travis and Myles starts @ 5:30

  8. I used 205# on the squats. My last 1RM was only 240 (chicken legs, remember?) but 205 went up easy all 5 sets. Time to check that 1RM again.

    But the ring dips killed me. I was down to singles by the second round.


  9. Oh yeah. I also made yesterday a rest day - chest day. 7x3 bench press, then 4 rounds of max ring pushups. Probably had some impact on today...

  10. I had another follow-up appointment with the doctor today. I'm down another 7 pounds from the end of January til this morning. My blood pressure was about 135/90, which is about the same as it always is when I go to the doctor. But, I've been averaging 110/55 - 130/75 at the house so the doc said she'd prescribe me with "White Coat Hypertension" and quit bugging me about it.

    So, now the good stuff. Because of the doc appt, I took the day off and came to the gym early in the evening.

    5 rounds of:
    3x315 squats
    2 rounds of ring dips, 3 rounds of 40 dips

    Got kicked out of the MMA room by a class so I couldn't continue on the rings. My ring dip rounds were averaging 5 minutes, but 7 minutes on 2:1 regular dip sub.

    Later fellas.


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