Friday, April 30, 2010

DOW syadoT

For time:

70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups


  1. Do not adjust your tv sets. This is in fact the same WOD as Amanda, but in reverse. I actually cut off over a minute of my time. Burpees still suck but it was good to get them out of the way first.

    TT: 14:09

    Have a great weekend guys. I'll say it again, KILL IT Jacob.

  2. WODoers:

    This did not go well for me. Had the 75#er for the swings and did dead hang pull ups on the metolius pull up holds. Got to 9 hsps and was done, left shoulder felt like it might go out at anytime, so quit during minute 25.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot...FUCK BURPEES!!!

  3. My HSPU were a bit shaky today for some reason too. Other than that, as Rx'ed.

    TT = 24:49

    Got to HSPU at the 19 minute mark, and just didn't have much left in the shoulders. Burpees were a bit better at the front, but they still suck balls. Later fellas.

  4. Brethren:

    I sort of did this WOD in mom's front yard. 70 burpees in the grass (itchy!!!) Burpees done in 5:12, 60 situps on a partially inflated fitball with my feet wedged under the bumper of the rental car bumper (kept having to relodge them up in there) 50 rock swings (found a rock in the yard, maybe 35 lbs?) 40 deep chair dips with my feet up on the patio table. By the time I got to HSPU's someone put two coolers right where I was going to do them and there were people all around wondering what the hell I was doing. We're having a poker game tonight at mom's... I started feeling weird so I stopped @ 13:09 w/ no HSPU's. I thought the poker party was now (6PM) but the other folks thought 5 so they were showin up!

    Tomorrow is a travel day. GO JACOB GO!!!!!

  5. I did this in 19:10. I missed the forward-way version, so I've got nothing to compare it to except that Chris kicked my ass. Nice work man.


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