Thursday, April 15, 2010


AMRAP for 30 minutes:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
13 Push-ups
9 Box jumps, 24 inch box


  1. No way I can do this one. I don't know when I'll be able to do DL's again and that's a lot of pushups in 30 minutes, my lower back is not liking the pushups right now.

    So I did this to test the back (pushing isn't much of a problem compared to pulling from the floor, which is off limits right now):
    5 rounds
    135 lb back squat 15 reps
    15 ring dips

    Felt OK. wanted to do 100 135 lb squats like that WOD in the last cycle, but didn't want to push it since 5 days ago I was in a world of hurt. It stressed the back a little but, but not too bad. Gonna have some bruises on the arms from those ring straps!

    TT = 12:56

  2. Reason 167 why I do the WOD:

    I got up this morning and mr. happy worked like a champ 3 times in about an hour and a half, that hasn't really happened since my very early twenties. Then I went out and threw down 19 rounds of McGhee and now I am going fishing. I feel fucking great today. Love being healthy and happy.

  3. Justin kick ass job on this WOD and also with your penis. I could only muster 13 rounds with this. I could feel the energy leaving my body with each deadlift. I tried not to got too fast with the pushups because they really aggravate the shit out of my shoulder. Great WOD, it was an honor to do it.

    RIP McGhee

  4. Warm Up:
    Shoulder Press 10-10-10

    Jacob 90-110-130

    WOD #1
    Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 140-150-160-170-180-180-170

    180 was a struggle, I might be able to get 185lbs, but it would be a battle.

    WOD #2
    Max Rep Pull-ups (1 attempt)

    Jacob 68 (PR 70) Oh so close!

    WOD #3

    AMRAP in 30 Minutes of:
    5 Deadlifts, 275lbs
    13 Push-ups
    9 Box jumps, 24"

    Jacob 23 Rounds

    Kenny 17 Rounds

    I feel like I'm going to die, but at least my deadlift sets were all unbroken!

  5. Posted my video of 68 pull-ups, not quite my PR of 70, but the most I've got on film anyway... Check it out.

    Also I posted a bad ass clip of a controlled propane tank fire that we put out for training at the fire department. 30' flames shooting up into the night sky... It's pretty cool.

  6. I'm a fucking idiot. I didn't read the WOD carefully enough and assumed it was AMRAP in 20mins, not 30. Dumbass. Anyway, I made it to 10rds in 20 minutes. I felt like a total pussy after reading all the other results on the mainsite. Then I saw that I should have gone another 10mins, which made me feel like a stupid pussy instead of just a pussy.

    At least one of us had a good day, Justin. You da man.


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