Friday, April 23, 2010

Hang Power Cleans and Burpees

Three rounds for time of:

135 pound Hang power cleans, 15 reps
15 Burpees


  1. HPC's weren't too bad, but followed by burpees this one winded me pretty good. First round was all unbroken, the wheels came off after that. Rounds 2 & 3 I broke it up into sets of 5 for HPC's and burpees.

    I wanted under 10, I got it.

    TT: 8:52

    Oh and by the way, burpees SUCK!

  2. Chris: Would have been a good show down today. I got 8:46 without seeing your time. I only made to 12 in the first round on the cleans.

  3. Damn you Justin!! Great workout, I agree it would of been a fun show down. One less 5 second break and I was right there. It's nice to see I can at least keep up with you!

  4. Chris, I am sure you can crush me on some WODs. Great thing about the x-fit is it shows off your strengths and reveals your weaknesses.

    WODoers: I forgot to mention my back is seriously knotted up from all those damned ring dips. Is anyone else feeling the pain from the 100 ring dips? I need to put in at least 15 minutes on the foam roller todnight.

  5. Hey dudes. I'm bummed today cos' I love me some power cleans and HPCs. Justin, my back wasn't bothered by the RD's, nor was my shoulder! But my lower back is going to take some time. I don't use an alarm clock and I always wake up right at 6, but today I slept in past 7 cos my daughter was up a lot last night and I went out to dinner and had lots o' wine too. I'll go home during lunch or after work and do this, but I'll do 400M rowing with damper on 10 to sub for the PCs, see if my lower back is OK with that. Not sure what is going to come up tomorrow, but I want to do a core spankin' workout before I get on the plane. I haven't had that "hurts when you cough" sore abs feeling for a while. Maybe do that 5 rounds of 30 GHDs 25 BE's deal....

  6. Chris and Justin, I'm right in with you guys at 8:45. Cleans went unbroken, 10-5, then 6-5-3-1. That was supposed to be 6-5-4 but I lost my grip after #14 and dropped the bar.

    Good WOD. With only three sets you really don't think much about pacing yourself. Chest and arms were killing me on the burpees though.

  7. Came in early again after a short day of work. Came in a bit pissed off, so I don't know if that helped or if today was just my day. I shot for 2 minute rounds with 30 seconds between burpees and cleans.

    Cleans unbroken, 10-5 burpees
    Cleans 10-5, 10-5 burpees
    Cleans unbroken, 5-10 burpees

    As Rx'ed - TT = 7:33

    I think going unbroken on cleans is the real key to a quick time on this one.

    Headed for a good start to a good weekend! Later fellas.

  8. 3 Rounds for time:
    15 Hang Power Cleans, 135lbs
    15 Burpees

    Jacob 3:44

    I really tought I could have done better on this one, but I guess not. Still please though. I think I'll try this one again with a new plan of attack.

  9. Jacob I made a prediction to Craig earlier this morning that you would kill this WOD and get a sub 4. Damn dude that is really impressive. Nice job on this one everyone. Craig just kicked ass on the rower. I'll let him post.

    Jacob good luck at the Regionals!

  10. I would have beat all you guys (except Jacob) today, how's that for some smack talking? HAHA! I'm full of it, but it's fun to give you guys shit. HPC's are a strength though, and my burpees were fast today, so I'll have to make this up to see if I can walk the talk.

    Not ready to do cleans yet, (trying to be really careful, going on vacation in the AM) so I did something more gnarly (for me anyway) that also tested the back a little. I felt really good about this one!! (for once)

    3 Rounds for time
    Row 500M (damper @10)
    15 burpees

    TT = 9:46

    All rowing and burpees unbroken, but I rested 20-30 seconds a few times between sets cos I could barely breathe.

    First row about 1:40, next two both right at 1:53. Major lung butter, first metcon in a while. Felt good to go as hard as possible.

    Jacob, that time is retarded.

  11. Did this wasn't feelin it but went for it TT-4:29. Nice Time Jacob


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