Saturday, April 3, 2010

Run 16,12,8,4 Rest 3,2,1


  1. Can't find gps,but I think they were close.

    Fresh snow and not so fresh legs made this slow.


    good wod

  2. People everywhere in the garage today, but it was fun.

    WOD #1
    For Time:
    10 Rounds of:
    3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45lbs
    5 Dead Hang Pull-ups
    7 Kipping Pull-ups
    *Note sets needed to complete the WOD and times.

    Jacob 14:05, 10 Sets (All Unbroken!)

    Kenny 21:12, 34 Sets

    Evan 23:19, 22 Sets

    WOD #2
    For Time:
    50 Back Extensions
    50 Walking Lung Steps, 95lb Barbell
    40 Back Extensions
    40 Walking Lung Steps, 95lb Barbell
    30 Back Extensions
    30 Walking Lung Steps, 95lb Barbell
    20 Back Extensions
    20 Walking Lung Steps, 95lb Barbell
    10 Back Extensions
    10 Walking Lung Steps, 95lb Barbell

    Jacob 16:20 (Outside in the rain)

    Kenny 14:45 (45lb Dumbbells)

    Evan 15:27 (45lb Dumbbells)

    WOD #3
    Wall Ball, 20lbs
    Med Ball Squat Clean, 20lbs
    Over Head Med Ball Squat, 20lbs

    Jacob 5:26

    Evan 5:39

    Kenny 4:02

    WOD #4
    For Time:
    1600m Run
    3 Minute Rest
    1200m Run
    2 Minute Rest
    800m Run
    1 Minute Rest
    400m Run

    Shane 8:27, 6:40, 4:25 and 2:00

    Kenny 6:41, 4:32, 3:08 and 1:21

    Jacob 5:38, 3:57, 2:45 and 1:15

  3. Jacob, why didn't you just do 5 WODs man? LOL!

    This is the closest to puking I have ever come since high school football practice (where I actually puked). WOD ended 30 minutes ago and my throat still burns, can't eat, and can't stop profusely coughing.

    Row 2K (goal was sub 7): Held a 1:44.6 through exactly 1,684 Meters. If I could have held on I was on pace for a about a 6:58. Nausea started around 1500M, then the wicked side ache and leg cramps came and I puked a little in my mouth. I had to stop. I was seeing white elephants dancing around. This is what killed me.

    Rest 3 minutes, then Row 1500M: 6:18 (was barely moving)

    Rest 2 minutes, then Row 1K: 3:56 (still barely moving)

    Rest 1 minute, then Row 500M: 1:45 Ugh.

    Glad that's over.

  4. Justin I want to run on the track that you do because if your times are slow sign me up. Damn dude, great numbers.

    1600 - 8:54
    1200 - 6:14
    800 - 3:32
    400 - 1:41

    Have a nice Easter everyone. Not that I know him but does anyone know if Morey is back in the states?

    Peace out

  5. Crazy rowing Fletcher, what was the 2k time?

    And my brother in law Kenny is insane, he has a 300lb front squat, and stays neck and neck with me on most of the WOD's we do and beats me from time to time. So he has been pushing me a lot lately. A perfect training partner along with Evan up until regional's.

  6. Also I posted a video clip on my blog of Evan 19 month old son Hudson Puking on the gym floor right before he did some pull-ups. You just have to turn up the volume and you can hear the puke hit the floor and then we get a close up of it. True crossfit all the way!

  7. Did this one yesterday at a local high school track that I found, but haven't had internet to post.

    1600m - 8:04
    1200m - 7:34
    800m - 4:52
    400m - 2:24

    The 1200m about killed me. I don't know if this is because I didn't pace myself enough for the 1600m run, or what. I also had a ton of coffee while studying yesterday which made me feel like puking. This one took me forever to recover from.


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