Sunday, April 18, 2010

weighted pullups, sprints, and ring HSPUs

Hey ya'll! beautiful weather today! Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes as you can of: 50 pound dumbbell Weighted pull-up, 3 reps Sprint 50 meters 3 Ring handstand push-ups


  1. Had to pull my son out of school tuesday with a fever, turns out he has bronchitis and two ear infections... turns out Luci has it too, and now, for the past 3 days turns out daddy has it too. Couldn't do the rowing intervals, my chest is clogged up. So I did my own thing today.

    3 rounds of
    10 OHS with dowel
    10 slow honest pushups
    10 dead hang pullups
    10 GHD situps to flat (not to floor, the back!)
    10 BEs (these don't bother it?)
    5 ring dips

    5 rounds of
    10 reps 135 lb Front Squat
    100 feet walking lunges

    Didn't time it, didn't want to breath too too hard cos I am hacking!

    Went to the Nuggets playoff game last night, sat in the 2nd row. SUPER COOL. Had a few too, then came home at midnight ate a bunch of food and then slept 6 hours. Atta way to get over a cold, right men?

    Combining FS's and Lunges is nasty on the legs. Felt great to WOD though after two days of rest.

  2. that's the 4th round of front squats. I went as far down as I could every rep.

  3. I did standard HSPU's instead of ring HSPU's.

    10 rounds + 3 pull-ups

    Great WOD, super fast but it got the heart beating. I can't imagine doing the HSPU's on rings.

    Nice job Craig, hope the family is feeling better

  4. I took my big engineering test yesterday. Showed up at the testing site at 7:30, started the test around 8:15, 4 hours of test, 1 hour lunch, 4 hours of test. Got out just before the whistle. All in all I think it went well, but I'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, got a little triple in today:

    WOD 1
    4 400m row, 3 minutes rest:
    1:59, 58, 57, 59

    WOD 2
    Snatch Balance - high of 115
    how do you guys do these well without hitting yourself in the back of the head on the way up?

    WOD 3
    13 rounds

    Gym is shutting down. Later fellas.

  5. I dunno about this one. I did:

    3 PUs 50#
    75m row
    3 HSPU

    and made 9 rds in just over 12 mins. I think I should have done 35# on the PUs, since the 50 really slowed me down and took away from this being a good metcon. But so be it. Back was absolutely killing me from McGhee, but the rowing felt pretty good for it. Ironic.

  6. Justin that is awesome! I don't know when I will be able to do pulls from the ground, since I screwed my back up 4 months ago and reaggravated it again recently. Apparently this one is a slow healer. I literally felt something detach when I originally pulled it. Oh well, what can ya do.

    Mike - nice triple you nut! Damn. Let us know how you do on the test. Are you trying to get your PE?


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