Tuesday, April 6, 2010

OHS 5x5


  1. At the globo in cheyenne today, thousands and thousands of dollars in worthless shit, but it is cool enough to have bumpers!

    What is it about performing the overhead squat that makes even the scary huge guys with crazy tatoos and "tapout" shirts stair at their shoes?

    Personally, I think it is probably the sudden horrible realization that those gigantic traps he got from all those shrugs might not do him a fucking bit of good when the shit hits the fan. Got to love the x-fit. Changing the world one workout at a time.

    Five sure is a lot of OHSs.


    Man this was hard today.

  2. Hey guys. Did this at 5:30 AM with rally loud music cranked up. This was the best I've ever felt doing OHS, could have gone heavier but had to get out of there.

    Warmup - PVC OHS x10, 45x5, 75x5
    WOD - 95x5,115x5,125x5,135x5,145x5

    145 didn't feel much worse than 125!

    Next time I want to start higher and go in smaller increments. I ran out of time.

    Maybe start 125 then go 135-145-150-155 so overall more work is done.

  3. By the way Justin, your post was great. Way to show em! Did any ask you what the hell you were doing? I bet most of them had never seen OHS.

    Something else to mention, I think this went better for me because of form. Being taller, I was told to do as wide of grip as I can, so my hands were touching the collars, as wide as possible (AWAP :-) and I had the bar further back over my head, like more above my midline than forward.. I never felt that forward leaning tendency, it felt like the weight was sitting up on top of a "shelf", my shoulders felt "shelved" atop my midline. Big difference! Made full ROM not a problem! Ass to grass!

  4. This isn't one of my stronger lifts but today I did okay. As Craig mentioned I went with a wider grip today as well, not quite out to the collar but close enough. I also watched the demo before doing the WOD so I think it helped.

    Warm up PVCx10, 45x10


    Cool down 95x10

    I also did GHD situps in between rounds. This is the first time I was able to do 145x5 so I was happy with that.

  5. Back at the pole barn gym!! New set of bumper plates and bar to workout with today! Definately could have gone heavier today. Will start at higher weight next time for sure.


    Love the post Kook! Good to be back at it especially w/ my new shit. Have been doing most of the WODs, just not easily posted.

  6. Hey guys, I'm back after missing the last cycle for the Easter holiday. Tough one to come back to though, OHS is a weak one for me. I did:

    w/u bar and sets up to 75, then


    All in all they felt pretty good, except that my left shoulder felt like it wanted to give out on me toward the top. So I stopped at 125, I didn't want to go any heavier w/out bumpers or a spotter. I think 125 is a 5RM PR for me though. Then I went back down and did another 3 sets of 5 @95 to get some more work in.

    Side workout today was 100 pushups.

  7. Nice post guys. Justin Tap out shirts are the shit dog. Fletcher loud music is good, but try a loud Tony Robbins session while you work out oh yeah. Oh fuck I swam for an hour after 2 workouts today, I suck at swimming this is why I will be doing it for the next month 2-3x per week, also have a 14 year old girl teaching me, she's fucking fast. Never know what will happen at regionals, got to be ready?

  8. I paid special attention to my form and balance tonight on the OHS's.

    95, 115, 135, 145, 115

    The last 5 at 145 felt a little shaky, so I dropped back down. But, overall, I felt better on these than I ever have. Later fellas.


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