Saturday, May 1, 2010



  1. WODoers:

    Confirmed it today, winter has made me a slow as shit runner. 27:03 as rx'd on slightly hilly course. Shit ton of work to do before June 26th half marathon. If anyone wants to give me suggestions on my training plan, let me know and I will email it to you on Monday.

  2. I'm running a day behind after being on the road all week. I did Friday's WOD today, posted there.

  3. Don't think anybody will ever mistake me for a long distance runner. I felt pretty good considering I ate like shit yesterday.

    As Rx'ed - TT = 27:06

    I was hoping for a sub 27, but I think this is my best time ever for a 5k. So, all in all, pretty satisfied. Later fellas.


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