Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster


  1. TT: 6:19

    Minute longer than the last time we did this, but I was being cautious with the thrusters and my shoulder. Still a kick ass workout in less than 10 minutes.


  2. WODoers:
    Made a deal with myself. Go sub 4 minutes and you never ever have to do this bitch again. I went to the gym so I could have a regular pull up bar, instead of rings, and set up right next to the thrusters.

    I couldn't believe it when the watch stopped.
    TT: 3:33 PMFR!! Now instead of quitting Fran I am wondering if sub 3 is ever possible. Crossfit is evil like that.

    Best thing is I feel great 1/2 hour later. Fuck yeah. Kelly's stretching guide sure helped with the thrusters. I am getting a lot more hip and hamstring mobility after just 2 days of heavy stretching.

    Fletcher: You say I may need a "real" pull up bar at my house, but I tell you six months of nothing but ring pullups sure makes "real" ones easy as warm cherry pie!

  3. Justin, that's it!! THAT IS IT! Next year you need to compete at the sectionals. Damn my friend, you are getting quite fit. I talked to Chris this morning and he asked me how you can possibly squat that much, I told him it's because you have a large muscular ass. And true enough on the pullups obviously. A sub 4 Fran is getting pretty close to elite if you ask me.

    This morning I was up at 5:30 and did "Brokeback Fran"

    35 wall balls
    21 strict pullups
    25 wall balls
    15 strict pullups
    15 wall balls
    9 strict pullups

    TT = 7:11 The wall balls take a long time, and the strict pullups even longer.

    I did get the Fran burning throat, so that's good. Also did my PT, that takes another 15 minutes. Every visit she adds more stuff.

  4. Way to go Kook! You beat me by a whole round tonight. I paid special attention to see where I was at when the clock struck 3:33 and you were almost exactly the round of 9 in front of me. I still ended up sub 5 which I'm extremely happy with.

    TT = 4:48

    I was planning on doing another double tonight, but my left groin really tightened up on me. I think I'm going to just try to walk it out and stretch instead. Later fellas.

  5. Nice work guys. I finally made this up, and fuck I still hate her. After doing Fran on it, I now hate my new pullup bar too. Pipe is just a little too thin, and my forearms are blasted. I'll have to tape it up. Anyway,

    TT = 5:25

    My pr is 4:45, so no awards today. I still didn't get thru that damn second thrusters set unbroken - dropped it at 12, and that was pretty demoralizing. But it was really the pullups that slowed me down.


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