Monday, May 3, 2010


That bitch.

5 rounds of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rounds for time, precisely 3 minutes per round.


  1. Did this one after Snatch Fran.

    As Rx'ed, rounds of:


    Puking, shittin myself, and passing out here on the gym pavement sounds like a pretty good option right now. Go get 'er fellas.

  2. Mike, great job doing this bitch after Snatch Fran. I think I would of puked myself.

    I didn't miss this one at all. I remember this was one of the very first WOD's I did when I started the Fit and I got a big old DNF. Today I did pretty good.


    TT: 20:25(PMFR)

    Pushups killed my shoulder, go figure. Got my MRI results and I do have torn cuff,bone spur and somewhere along the way I separated my shoulder. Needless to say surgery is in the near future. Until them, I'm going to do what I can. Later guys.

  3. WODoers: Uuuugh! Barbara!

    Subbed 10 dead hang pu on metolius holds.

    2:19,2:45,3:43,4:01,3:43= 16:33

    Pr if as rx'd, but not sure how the sub worked out. Know it was faster in 1 and 2, but probably slower in 4 and 5.

    Me and pukie had a gnarly stare down, but in the end he didn't show up. Barbara you are one gnarly bitch.

  4. The median score (of work time) for men age 30-40 from is 27:20. You guys are some baaaad dudes. Mikey, you're crazy doing those do back to back, what a warrior.

    Chris, I saw your time pop up on my phone and I wrote down your times, I was gunning for you, and I still couldn't pull it off.

    Justin, I'm not calling you a liar when I say this, I am calling you a machine: Your first two round times seem impossible! DUDE!!! Nice work.

    Here's a little Fletcher history here:

    First try 3/3/09: 33:58 (had to stop for cramps and pukey)
    Second try 1/2/10: 23:19 PR
    Today: 21:13 PR by 2:06. Couldn't hang with Chris, and Justin is totally out of reach.

    Rounds: 3:57, 3:58, 4:25, 4:04, 4:49

    My goal for this is sub 20 someday. I just fell apart in that last round. Mentally I think I was 95% there. Situps really slow me down and make me want to puke in those last two rounds.

    Thanks for the inspiration guys, the blog REALLY helps me push hard and get my ass up at 5:15 AM and bang out some wicked work. For most people (not CrossFitters), just doing this many reps would be special, but we do it FOR TIME baby. We're all a bunch of wackos and we love it.

  5. Justin I couldn't find "metolius" in the dictionary.

  6. Fletcher:

  7. OK, that thing you have in your living room. I think 10 dead hangs from that is a fair sub, and I think you are macho. I also think you need to build a proper pullup bar mister! $30 from the hardware store.

  8. Good work fellas!

    Bloggy Blogmaster -
    I think you guys have already looked into this, but I can't view the old comments. I was trying to look at Barbara from September of last year and it won't show the comments. Is this just a problem with my computer, or is it the same for you all too?

  9. WODoers: Half marathon training started today with 8x200m run with a minute rest, but it didn't quite work like that. Only made it six rounds and was up to 1:30 on the rest. Thirty to forty mph wind sucks for sprint day.


    Wow it has been way to long. No wonder my 5k was slow.


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