Monday, May 3, 2010

Rest Day

The Games are so inspiring to see. I hope those who you who have never been to at least a regional get to go some day.

Today I went back and looked at the comments from when I was gone and I liked how Justin called the Wall Ball/MU WOD "total body destruction", so I picked that one.

I did 1.5:1 CTB's and RD's for MUs. Was going to do MU progressions but honestly I get a better ass kicking this way, and I wanted my ass to get kicked good.

TT = 15:22. I had the mental game going big time compared to usual. Just wasn't letting myself rest like I normally do. Games inspired me. Those guys and gals were putting it ALL on the line.

Fasting until 10 AM today, getting blood work done (part of a health check for life insurance) so post WOD fast it shall be.


  1. Hey guys - so I was completely laid up Sunday. I woke up after only about 1hr sleep and didn't know if it was my allergies or a springtime cold, but absolutely miserable. I spent the day resting and didn't get a WOD in. I figured I'd be able to make up the Fran snatch/5k today but still feeling it. So I didn't want to do any metcon/cardio work.

    I went back and made up last week's front squats instead:


    That's a 20# pr for me on 3RM FS. I've still got a lot of catching up to you guys, but I'm stronger than I was before. Also got in 80 ring pushups between sets.

  2. Chas, nice work on the PR dude, all while feeling like crap eh? A 20 pound jump? That's big. We'll have to come up with a new nickname pretty soon when "Chicken Legs" wears out its' welcome. I want to make up this FS WOD, maybe tomorrow. I know the doc said I shouldn't lift really heavy with the knee, but I really think it's more pounding stuff. I did back squat 275x2 out in Redding (and other weights x2) and it didn't bother me at all. So I think I'll get back to doing some heavier squats. Seems to me that lots of mid to heavy squat cleans are what messed me up and got my knee all swollen and stiff.


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