Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Muscle-ups, Power Cleans and Runs

Five rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-ups
135 pound Power clean, 10 reps
Run 220 meters


  1. Craig between your back and my shoulder we make a great pair. I visit the surgeon next Friday to figure out when I get cut.

    Subbed 15 CTB's on the Muscle-ups

    TT: 16:25

  2. Yo yo yo.... had the CAT scan yesterday and the dude is gonna interpret it for me today during my lunch break. If they tell me I can't row I think I'll cry.

    I saw this WOD and wept uncontrollably (kidding)... I sure love me some power cleans.

    Today I did 5 rounds of:
    30 lunges
    30 squats
    30 situps

    Took about 14 minutes. Squats right after lunges is a leg burner! My intensity wasn't all there cos it felt weird on the back. Life's tough when you are a mutant.

  3. WODoers:

    Fuck yeah! Granted I was coming off of a day of rest and not a brutal wod, but I did this son of a bitch and I did it rx'd and fast enough to finish at the regionals. Did I mention...FUCK YEAH!! Rx'd 14:40


  4. Justin, that is macho. I need to get the muscle up, especially since my list of moves is so restricted. I need to spend more time working on these. My cieling is only 9' and I am tall, so not much room for a full kip into it. I'll work on it though!

  5. Ah this workout as a tough one. At the bottom of each muscle up you had to flick your wrist out so the palms faced outward. This was not easy, so from now on those will be my standards. I thought I would have done better but the judging was on point, no cheating reps what so ever.

  6. You guys are monsters. Or I am a big pussy. Or both.

    I subbed 15 PU/dips and 300m rows. PU/D slowed me down, but that's still no excuse.

    TT=24mins even

  7. I'm a big vagina just like Chas. I did 2:1 MU subs with feet elevated about 8" off ground on a pad toes down. Trying to work on getting into the transition phase of the lift. I can do the pulls and the dips, but building up the momentum to get into transition and actually performing the transition are tough.

    As subbed, TT = 24:35

    Felt sluggish, tired, and unmotivated throughout today's WOD. I think it's because I didn't get much sleep last night. Anyway, I'm looking for some badass times on the wall-balls tomorrow. Later fellas.


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