Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fran Snatch

21-15-9 reps for time of:

95 pound barbell Squat snatch
Chest to bar pull-ups


  1. What's up fellas. I missed the 5K yesterday because it was my son's 1st communion. Maybe I'll make it up later on today. Today's WOD was a good one. Snatches aren't my greatest lift, but I got the work done.

    TT: 6:19

  2. Chirs: Got the work done? Man they should post your name on the main site. That is animafuckinglistic my friend.

    WODoers: Had a shit pull up bar. It was so low my hands could grap it while feet were on ground, so had to stop pick up feet and then kip for every fucking rep! Cost me a minute probably, but I am not even in Chris's world.

    TT as rx'd= 11:36

  3. Chris WOW!!

    Just got back into town last night, went to day 2 of the Regional Games today, WOW! I'll post more on that tomorrow.

    Today I did my own WOD, want to improve rowing but I never practice, so today I set out to row a 5K @18:30 (PR is 18:38) but during the row I started realizing after a week of partying it wasn't going to happen... so I was rowing around a 1:50 pace and tried to just hold that for a 2K.

    So.... 2K row (damper on 5)= 7:20 (PR is 7:09)
    Rest 4 minutes
    Row 1K (damper on 6): 3:29 (PR is 3:26 but I know I can smash this if it was my only WOD)
    Then rested a few minutes more and wanted to go for a 1:30 500M but hell no. Had to quit after rowing the 1:30 pace for 200M. I quit on rowing WODs more than any other by far. Good to be back in the home gym.

    Jacob's WOD today (well everyone's) was this:
    10 power snatch @145
    20 CTB pullups
    30 24" jump over the stick thing
    40 45lb ball slams (gnarly)
    30 24" jump over the stick thing
    20 CTB pullups
    10 power snatch @145

    Jacob FLEW through the middle moves, but the snatches beat him up. We agreed that he is going to take steroids for a year and pack on a bunch of muscle. Seriously though, few people did the middle stuff faster than him.

    I don't know what his time was, 14 minutes? The other stuff took 5:30 or so.

    Matt Chan, the regional champ from last year, also took it this year. I got video, that guy is a HORSE. He got 1st in the final WOD, like 6:35. He played college water polo.

  4. Thanks guys. Maybe the batteries are going on my timer. I can't explain it either. I do know that my snatches went 15-6, 8-7, 6-3. Form wasn't perfect and maybe that's where I got the time advantage. I'm certainly no CF superstar and Justin you always kick my ass

  5. Chris, just checking, because you beat that Dave Lipson guy?!

    You did full squat snatches and chest to bar pullups, correct? If so, then umm... you need to be tested for steroids right? Or are you angry about something? :-)

  6. Way to kill it Chris. I got this one in a day late. Played some tennis last night instead of coming to the gym. Anyway, as Rx'ed

    TT = 10:38

    The CTB PU's really are a ton different than regular kipping. On to Tuesday's WOD so that I'll rest tomorrow. Later fellas.


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