Friday, May 21, 2010



  1. WODoers:

    Did this in front of some firemen at the track this a.m. Heard one of them say, "I think he's doing crossfit." Yep, that would be it, the look of pain is unmistakeable.

    I forgot how tough this wod is until I took my first woobly duck like steps to start the second 400m. Got to love it.
    PMR: 13:56

  2. Nice work Justin. I used to love this one, I really love to run. Oh well.

    Today I made up Karen. Haven't done anything that resembles a squat in a while, letting the knee calm down. I went to see The Eagles last night, got home and to bed around 1, kids got me up a little after 6 and I had about 43 beers so this was tough to even contemplate to say the least. Pounding headache, gimme some Advil.

    TT = 9:43. Suck time, but I did the work. That was an accomplishment enough considering the circumstances.... RX'd inside of the living room, ass to ball and ball to 10' marked with tape on the wall. Every. Damn. Rep. Mr. Hangover has to contend with Karen now, Karen wins. The Eagles were actually really damn good. I went for free and sat in a catered box. How can you say no to that? We made sure they ran out of beer.

  3. Today I wanted to clear my head before my big CCRN test, and no better way to accomplish that then to squat till you're going to pass out.

    Mission accomplished!

    Warm Up:
    Back Squat 5-5-5
    Front Squat 3-3-3
    Overhead Squat 1-1-1

    Jacob 135-155-175 for all lifts

    5 Rounds of:
    Max Rep Overhead Squats
    Max Rep Front Squats
    Max Rep Back Squat
    *Pick 1 set weight for the entire WOD, attempting each lift for max reps until failure then immediatly move on to the next movement. Note, you can drop the weights, but you must pick them up starting the next lift immediatly. Rest in between rounds as needed.

    Jacob 155lbs
    Round 1: OHS 7, FS 9, BS 10
    Round 2: OHS 11, FS 7, BS 11
    Round 3: OHS 6, FS 9, BS 13
    Round 4: OHS 7, FS 8, BS 14
    Round 5: OHS 8, FS 8, BS 13

    Total 28.2 Squats per round and 141 squats total

  4. I just did this one after physical therapy. My goal was to beat last time which was 13:07. Mission Accomplished!

    TT: 12:50 (PMFR)

    At least I still have good legs, just a seriously fucked up shoulder. Don't do what I did, it just isn't worth it. Max weight bench press is exactly what busted up my shoulder in December. Then in March I sealed the deal while doing a BP workout at Craig's gym. I've got some really cool MRI pics if your into that shit.

    Guys if you haven't already read these articles I highly recommend them.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Peace out

  5. Chris, awesome time. You spanked Justin! :-)

    Hey, Jacob is here @ 3:14

  6. Jacob is also at 4:36, 13:06, and 14:28... in case ya wondered.

  7. I didn't do this WOD today. Since it was nice out, and I haven't run since the fall - literally, I've been rowing all the WOD run segments - I decided to hit the road. Ran the Hoyt Farm loop behind my house, a little over 2 1/2 miles, in just under 25mins. Between all the legwork this week, and my lack of roadwork this year, my legs felt like lead-filled iron pipes. Oh well. I'll keep working back into some better running form thru the summer.

    One more week til surf time, East Coast-style.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for the link Fletcher.

    Also I passed my exam that I was studing for while I was out in Denver.

  10. Jacob, that is awesome! Hey, you're a smart dude and no stranger to hard work, so of course you passed the test.

    Now you are an experienced ER nurse, fireman, master's degree level of knowledge in anesthesiology, and you don't get tired. If my life is ever on the line I hope you are around to drag me out of the mirey pit of doom!

    Looking forward to JT tomorrow. It shall suck, 45 HSPUs will take me eons. The rest will be fine, but those HSPU's are a bee-otch for me.

  11. I'm a few days late on this one. I ran it last night at a parking lot, so I don't know if my distances were accurate or not. I also forgot my timer so I don't want to even guess at what I ran at.

    So, a just completed for me on this one.

    Later fellas.


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