Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rest Day

Yo dudes. I can't do that many moves so you'll be seeing a lot of repeat types of WODs for a while. Today was hard, combining rowing and pullups is a beat down, all pulling, all the time.

3 Rounds:
1K row
20 L Pullups


Pretty slow time but like I said, combining lots of rowing with pullups is tough!

I rowed harder today, kept my split in the 1:50's but didn't row balls out yet. Letting the back adjust. LPU's were a slow go because of muscle fatigue. Found myself doing lots of singles!


  1. Nice Fletcher. Good to see you can still work the erg. So my birthday's tomorrow (5/20); I guess our 2K challenge will have to wait a bit until you're back up to speed and not paddling around at 1:50 splits...

    Made up Annie today, posted there. I really wish I hadn't thrown in 100 GHDs during the C&Js a couple of days ago. Belly is busted.

  2. what up boys. Oh it has been real tough to get motivated after the Regionals. I did all the work but my form was not up to par. 20th place over all. The full extension muscle ups(hands turned out) killed me. Also apparently I need to get deeper on my over head squats. Had to re-do 15 of the 30 ouch. I trained hard enough but need to get Travis to watch my form, or set up some mirrors in the gym, ha. But I had a great time and sort let people know what we do over at Crossfit Avalanche. Fletcher that's a bummer about the back, but seems like it was bound to happen, Crossfit just delayed the inevitable. Good thing you didn't do it doing something stupid. Focus on doing what you can not what you can't.
    Any way I'm back at it and so is Travis. Time to get back at it for next year. Dave Castro from CF headquarters was saying that next year would be a different process to get into the games, hopefully it's fair. I did the Chief 2 days ago and ended with 27 rounds could get 30 but I needed to keep my composure for teaching class 15 minutes later. Today did "Randy" 75-75lb power snatches for time. 4:39 new Pr! Crossfit Avalanche is growing strong with 90 paying members so far and expanding quick. Thanks for all the motivation guys.

  3. Awesome Myles, your gym and your performance at regionals is mighty impressive to say the least. Looking forward to next year myself. Who knows what's in store?

    "Heavy Helen"

    3 Rounds for time of:
    400m Run
    21 KBS, 2 Pood
    12 Pull-ups, CTB

    Jacob 7:46 PR! (2:18, 2:35 and 2:53)

    Felt real good on this one, even afterwards.

  4. Thanks guys. That's what I am doing, just do the best I can with what I can do. Jacob, that's a wicked Heavy Helen.

    Myles, super stoked for you guys. 90 paying members! What does it cost per month? Is it the same for everyone? Just curious...

  5. Fetcher you want to know how much travis and I make ay?
    1 month is $155
    Couples are $225 or 112.5 per person
    cops and firemen $135
    and we have about 4 people that paid for 1 year last year.
    So a rough estimate would be
    4- 1 years
    3 -6 month
    60- 1 month
    8 couples
    10 or so police and fireman
    Something like that. We wont start to make good money til we get to 100-150 members at our same location. But with that many we would need a bigger place. It's not going to make me my first million but it sure is fun waking up to go to work.

  6. Sorry Myles, I didn't mean it like that. I am just excited for you guys. What a super cool job! My job is about 10% as rewarding.


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