Tuesday, May 18, 2010


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:



  1. Doubled the reps and did single jumps.

    TT: 8:58

    I did some dead lifts afterwards to get more work in. Nothing heavy, just reps

    Warmup 135x10


  2. Good work sir. Man it sucks not having the comradery of the blog and doing what you guys are all doing. Oh well, I have to be positive! I have a TON in my life to be thankful for.

    Today I did core and pushing. This one was actually a good butt kicking. I might repeat this one with more BE's and Pushups once I am feeling better... back still bugging me some and I want to be careful so I can get back onto the barbell ASAP and not go backwards anymore.

    5 rounds
    15 ring dips
    25 AbMat situps
    15 pushups
    15 BE's (low count, being careful)

    TT = 17:24. Hardest part was going from Situps to Pushups. Good core work! Firs two sets of RD's unbroken, sets of 5 and 3 after that. My man boobs cannot go gelatinous!

    Hard to get up and WOD this morning. I was up until 1 AM dealing with a skunk that was driving the dogs nuts. The damn thing sprayed under our deck which is right outside our door. The smell is like someone is burning tires right under your nose. TERRIBLE!! Slept like crap!

  3. I hear you Fletcher. A few years ago, one of my dogs trapped a skunk under our deck and she got it straight in the face. I made the mistake of bringing her in thru our basement to get her to the tub, and you're right, that stink is damn pungent. Fortunately it goes away really fast. Oh wait. No it doesn't.

    I'm still going a day behind on this cycle. I did Tommy V today, posted there.

  4. Was able to get caught up tonight. I wanted to get to Tommy V yesterday, but there was too much traffic at the squat racks. So, I warmed up with Annie tonight, and went on to Tommy V.

    Annie as Rx'ed
    TT = 8:59.22

    Didn't catch my rhythm on the DU's until the round of 30. But, from there out I brought her home.

    Headed to New Orleans for the weekend, leaving Thursday night with my kind of girlfriend. So, I'll probably take the next cycle off and start up again Monday. Have a good weekend fellas.

  5. Final day of catching up on this cycle.

    TT = 14:05

    That's a PR (14:25) but not one I'm particularly proud of. DUs remain my goat; the most I can string together is about five. And judging by the way Speal does them, my form could use just a little bit of work. There's no way I should be expending so much energy.


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