Friday, June 18, 2010

10x100m sprints!!


  1. WODoers: I am trying not to think about the pain that I will be feeling in my lower body tomorrow. Also, I spent the whole night hacking up lung butter, so I just figured fuck it and did the wod. Probably a bad idea, I was pretty dizzy and had no wind afte round 4, but once again figured fuck it.

    As rx'd 13.1/13.3/13.5/13.7/14.9/15.11/15.13/16.15/17.17/13.37

    I was pretty happy to dig deep and make that last one count. Have fun boys and STREEETTTCH those hamstrings first or you will be sorry.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shit Justin that's fast as hell. I went 100 yards so I was running 27'/8m short each time and you were as fast as I was most of the time, if not faster. That's some serious hallin man. Way to represent for the big dudes.

    Warm Up:
    Bench Press 20-15-10-5

    Jacob 115-135-175-225

    WOD #1
    For time:
    Row 500 meters
    Body weight Bench press, 30 reps
    Row 1000 meters
    Body weight Bench press, 20 reps
    Row 2000 meters
    Body weight Bench press, 10 reps

    Jacob 22:40 (175lb Bench, Btw 169lbs)

    This WOD kicked my pathetic butt, ugh!

    WOD #3
    Ten rounds, each for time of:
    100 Yard Sprint
    Rest 90 seconds

    1. 0:12.2
    2. 0:12.1
    3. 0:12.3
    4. 0:13.0
    5. 0:13.5
    6. 0:13.6
    7. 0:13.9
    8. 0:14.1
    9. 0:14.9

    Felt like crap after it all... Time for work.

    Fletcher I hope to do the row wall ball WOD tomorrow, sorry buddy, been behind lately.

    How's the music man?

  4. Alright here's the lowdown.
    Weds: Did "Nutts" with par. Handstand push ups. and 275 dl, tt 21:30

    Thursday: Did "Arnie" rx'd with 70 lb kettle bell, holy fuck that shit sucked. I was not into it from the start but said fuck it, big mistake.

    Today: Did 1 rep max weighted pull ups, 53, 70, 88, 106, 115. Then "Elizabeth" TT 6:01. The sprints look miserablely fun so I might try them later. I have some numbers to shoot for.

  5. Nice running guys. I was short on time, and I figure I'll do some running this weekend, so I did 10x100m on the erg, with 45sec rests.


    Nowhere near as taxing as 100m sprints I imagine, but still felt good.


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