Tuesday, June 29, 2010

OHW WB FC 5 rounds


  1. What's up Morey and Mikey?

    WODoers: This wod sucked cause my lungs are still fill with snot and I spent half my time coughing up flem, but fuck it.

    I carried the 185# barbell behind my back cause don't have dumbells. Had to walk really slow so I think it was a fair sub. Otherwise as rx'd: TT= 27:43

  2. Good job Justin you warrior.

    Wish I could do all the WODs but what's new. I had tingling and numbness shooting down my right leg and foot after this WOD. That worries me, my vertebral spondylosis is not good. My vertebrae are getting so offset (looking from top) that it is irritating my spinal cord, that's why the tingling. My PT and doc warned of this.

    AMRAP in 20 minutes
    20 wall balls
    20 K2E
    20 Ring Dips
    20 BEs

    4 rounds + 11 wall balls.

    Really slowed down at the end. K2Es and RDs got damn hard. WBs and BEs always unbroken but far from it on the other moves.

    Going to see TOOL at Red Rocks tonight, can't wait! Was cranking them up during the WOD, it's going to be huge.

  3. I meant my left leg, the messed up side.

  4. Really felt good today. The sun was shinning and it was a beautiful day to WOD it up in the subdivision. I love the looks on all my neighbors faces as I was setting up for the WOD and running all over the place with weights.

    Truly priceless.

    Warm Up:
    Deadlift 5-5-5
    *After each set complete
    15 Med Ball Sit-ups, 20lbs
    15 Back Extensions

    Jacob 225-275-325

    WOD #1
    5 Rounds for time and load of:
    5 Deadlifts
    5 Ring HSPU

    Jacob 6:31 (345lb DL's and Parraletter HSPU)

    WOD #2
    5 Rounds for time of:
    40m Ovehead Carry, 185lbs
    30 Wall Balls, 20lbs
    40m Farmers Carry, 95lb Barbells

    Jacob 17:48 Rx'd

    After watching the video I was actually faster then I thought. I'm so pumped by my time on this one. I really felt strong the whole time and moved at a good clip thoughout the WOD. I have to thank Ashley for being nice enough to record the whole thing, and I'll post the entire HD video on Youtube tonight along with the low resolution version on the blog.

  5. Did this at 6a.m and loved it. I thought the website said Pat Barber did it in 17:28, but it was 18:28
    My time was 17:40
    sorry Jacob got you by a few. Then 1 hour later did Angie with Travis and Pat Lupton and finished it in 13:47 new PR Travis did her in 14:36, Lupton did her in 25:07. That's all for today
    Peace out Myles

  6. Now I want to do Angie Myles as revenge... Nice work man. I actually had 30 yards between stations so so I was all over the place. I'll hit up Angie tomorrow and see if I can go sub 11:00.

  7. Yeah Jacob. I would like to see what I could do it in if I were fresh. I got to about 60 pullups and it all went to shit. I am going to visit my family in August back home in Mchenry. I will make a solid effort to come down a do a wod or 4 with you. It'd be fun

  8. You guys killed it. I had some scaling/mod, and had to do a bunch of equip changes throughout the WOD. Kind of annoying but I got it done.

    155# OHW
    barbell thrusters
    75# FC

    TT = 28:30

  9. The door, or should I say garage door is always open Myles. Come on over!


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