Wednesday, June 2, 2010

4 800M sprints


  1. WODoers:

    It was raining, so I rowed 1000m repeats. Holy fuck me. That was a lot like doing Fran 4 times in a row. Not the same kind of muscular loading,but definitely similar cardio loading.
    Damper on 4 for first two 1 third and then 6 on round four.

    Putting the damper on 1 is crazy. It is like pushing on a string. No matter how hard you pull, the erg just doesn't seem to go.

  2. Justin, I thought of subbing rowing, but I wanted to pound my legs and my biceps are really sore. Rowing sprints (especially 4 1K's) are heinous. When Chris was out here we did 3 of those and we were hurting.

    I think the biceps are really sore from the accumulative effect of having the 105 wall balls thrown into the middle of the "7's" WOD as well as 7 rowing sprints? I can't (shouldn't) run, but you already know that, so I did this.

    AMRAP in 20 mins wearing a 20 lb vest:
    25 squats
    25 GHDs (not all the way down, can't do that either)
    25 walking lunges knees to concrete
    25 back extensions

    I only got 4 rounds + squats and 12 situps. Finished out the remaining 13 situps. I focused a lot of attention on full ROM and solid form instead of just trying to go as fast as possible. But I did try to go fast too.

    That vest makes a world of difference. I'll be feeling that one tomorrow. Good stuff.

  3. Oh and Justin... I think I'm going to have to try to gun you down on the rowing sprint times this week, you did good!

    Tomorrow I'll prolly do a pushing WOD, then Friday I'll do this rowing fun, unless there is something really bad ass on main site that I can do.

  4. I'm hoping to get into the gym tonight. I've been going nuts the past few days dealing with the whole "move" thing. The moving company that I had hired kept giving me the "you're our top priority" speech before never showing up or calling me as of yesterday. So, Monday, I ended up getting a hitch installed on my Jeep then getting some friends to help me move all my shit to another friend's garage. Now, I'm working on getting a U-Haul trailer to make the trip north.

    Also, I dealt with my horrible landlord yesterday turning in the keys. I'm pretty sure that's going to turn into a shit storm here in about a week.

    Lastly, I've been tryin to get a proctored exam set up with Gonzaga/U of Houston. This has been like pulling teeth, but I think that I finally have everything set up so that I can take the test this afternoon.

    Long (LONG) story short, I've been crazy lately and haven't made it into the gym. Hopefully tonight, I can punish myself with a double or triple.


  5. Nice work Justin. I always set my erg damper on 3; for me that best matches water work and what I always used back when I competed.

    I hit the road for this WOD. There's an almost exactly 1/2-mile stretch behind my house, although it has a slight slope to it such that I went down-up-down-up and it showed up in my times. Still snail-slow, but at least I'm starting to get some more running in as the summer heats up.


    ~3mins rest between sets. I felt fully recovered at the beginning of each run, but the last one had a couple of retches about halfway through. Ugh.

  6. The stats test was harder than I had hoped it would be. And, I got the U-Haul set up and my security deposit back from the movers. So, things are starting to look up.

    Only going to be able to get a double in tonight.

    4 x 800m - 3:59, 3:56, 3:58, 3:56
    Had to literally sprint to finish sub-4 on the first one. So, I upped the pace on the next ones, but still didn't gain as much time as I thought I would overall.

    Did the 5x5 sp's between runs.

    135, 155, 165x4, 175x3, 185x1
    These got progressively harder as I continued on tonight.

    I'm going to the dog races as a bit of a going away party with some guys from work tomorrow night. And, the Cubs are in town for the weekend!! So, I might make it in Saturday afternoon. Otherwise, I pack up Sunday night, and ship out Monday morning!

    Later fellas.

  7. Mikey, do you know how you did on the stats test? Congrats on the move!


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