Saturday, June 5, 2010

Northwest 1st wod

135# OHS


  1. WODoers: Let's just say I'm having some issues with the 19 times convicted for fraud felon piss of shit who has my lake boat in his shop in Heber City, UT, so I dubb today's workout ANGRY GRACE. 2:29 Pr! Time to call the Sheriff and file a complaint.

  2. Justin, how did you find your boat, and was it stolen?

  3. I did this one, waited 6 minutes and then did today's after. Posted that over there. I subbed a mere 75 lbs for OHS. first time I've touched the barbell in over a month, and I'm not really supposed to but it was a test.

    6:59. Terrible... CTB's were the problem, OHS were easy and unbroken (of course, right?). Doing this in 4 mins RX'd is amazing to me. I suck at CTB, failed a couple too and had to do them over.


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