Sunday, June 6, 2010

South Central Regional Event 4

For time:
10 Muscle-ups
15 Handstand push-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 20 reps
Run 550 meters


  1. As usual, lots of subbing.
    30 ring dips
    30 pullups
    15 HSPU
    20 30 lb dumbbells each hand squat clean
    Row 650M

    I know the cleans sub is uber light, but this is the first pull from the floor in a month, again another test just like the light OHS. Hey, you have to try?

    TT 12:25. Suck again. I was tired from WOD 1 but really it was those HSPUs, I just could barely do them. They took me like 4-5 minutes.

  2. Fletcher: I got referred to the guy by a buddy to get a motor, but it turned out he only knew him from his internet ads. Six months later when my boat wasn't done and I had sent him a bunch of money, I google him and the first thing that showed up was the 19 fraud convictions he got in 2008. I'm not sure exactly what the fuck to do, but monday I am definitely talking to his PO again and calling the sheriff.

    WODoers: Ran 9 miles today in 83:33. It sucked ass, but I was only 6 seconds per mile off what I need for the race, so there is hope.

  3. This WOD is a ridiculous output of power by those guys hitting low times on the mainsite. Ridiculous.

    I had some subs:

    30 ring dips/30 ring PUs in sets of 3 each
    HSPU to a 3" mat (gettin there)
    SCs as rx'd
    700m row

    TT = 20:25

    Everything was slow, but the cleans really killed me. I did them in sets of 2. I thought about scaling down, but then I figured what the hell, it's not like I was going for 5 minutes or anything.

  4. You do the squat cleans RX'd? What did you sub for MU's BITCH?!

  5. Muscle ups I did

    30 Dead hangs
    30 Chair dips, cant do a single ring dip

    RX'd on the squat cleans


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