Monday, June 21, 2010

OH Lungee Burpee


  1. TT = 16:50 as rx'd

    Last time I made 19:25, but that was well over a year ago so I damn well should have improved. Nice way to flush out the salt water, gin and beer from the weekend.

  2. Nice improvement Chas, I don't think I've ever done this one before.

    Got love HQ....

    Warm Up:
    Stretch 5-10 Minutes

    WOD #1
    Five rounds for time of:
    45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
    21 Burpees

    Jacob 8:18 Rx'd

    WOD #2

    For Time:
    50 Knees to Elbows
    2 Floor to Overhead, 155lbs
    40 Knees to Elbows
    4 Floor to Overhead, 155lbs
    30 Knees to Elbows
    6 Floor to Overhead, 155lbs
    20 Knees to Elbows
    8 Floor to Overhead, 155lbs
    10 Knees to Elbows
    10 Floor to Overhead, 155lbs

    Jacob 12:49 Rx'd

    Felt good on the first WOD, then sucked it up on the second.

  3. First time with this one. It was a good one. That is if you like burpees.

    TT: 13:08

  4. Goodness me Jacob, 8:18 on this means moving full speed no rest until done?! Chris, you got me here but I have a lame excuse: My legs are trashed still from all of the mountain biking. I just had to stop and shake em out a bunch of times, it was like they were locking up on me dudes!

    I posted a video of my first round and a half for your viewing pleasure. My cousin has just started CrossFit so I did this video for him. He thinks my time is all bad ass (he did it in 24:50 but he's a newb, 40 yrs old, and he eats like crap and it's his first time doing burpees!)

    TT = 13:50. Had a 2:15/round pace til' the last round where my legs started saying "NO SIR" to me. I wanted to do RJ but I only slept like 5 hours last night, just didn't have the mustard. Hopefully tomorrow, Rockies vs. Red Sox game tonight but I'll be mellow on the beers.



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