Monday, June 7, 2010

NW Event 4


  1. WODoers? Is there anybody out there?

    Morey? Let us know what is going on in Story.

    WODoers: Needed a kinda scaled wod after running and sled dragging yesterday, so I did

    5 Rounds
    Run 400m at 80% intensity
    6 Muscle ups

    Only time the muscle ups. Start timer when you get to the rings stop when you hit the ground after rep six. TT=5:49

    Did the 30 muscle ups about 4 minutes faster than doing 30 in a row. I thought this was a good wod. Sled dragging yesterday was cool. I can tell that Louie is right about this making your legs crazy strong.

  2. I'm here dude. I'm playing some makeup ball after taking the weekend off at the beach resting the elbow. Felt fine today. I made up Sunday's WOD, posted there, and will make up today's on Tuesday.

  3. Justin, I'm right here honey cakes. Had the 36 hour stomach flu Sun-Mon (along with FIVE other people that were at the poker party Friday night, talk about contagious?) So I had to take yesterday off.

    Just did this one sort of this morning, lots of subs.

    Row 30 calories
    1 pood KB goblet squats, 30 reps
    30 pullups
    30 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
    Row 20 calories
    1.5 pood KB goblet squats, 20 reps
    20 pullups
    20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
    Row 10 calories
    2 pood KB goblet squats, 10 reps
    10 pullups
    10 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood

    TT = 17:12. Didn't go for "out for blood" pace but worked it pretty good. Had to be careful with the stomach flu just passsing. Slept great last night though. Been drinking only 1 or 2 servings of adult beverages in the evenings in the past week and a half, that really helps!

    BW right now 218

  4. Ouchie. Those thrusters hurt, and were a big mental hurdle as well. I did towel PUs 45-30-15 for the rope climbs.

    TT = 24:35


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