Sunday, June 13, 2010

Elizabeth 21-15-9 cleans and ring dips


  1. Well shizzle.... can't do cleans so I did this:

    Row (damper on 10 always) 42 calories
    21 RDs
    Row 30 Cals
    15 RDs
    Row 18 cals
    9 RDs

    TT 7:44, 5+ on the rower and more time transitioning, RDs went good. I'm a lot better at those than I used to be.

    Feeling deprived cos' no cleans, I rested 3-4 minutes then did "Wall Ball Fran" subbing wall balls for thrusters. I was already whooped though, so performance wasn't good, TT = 4:50.

    Now I don't feel deprived.

    Saw a CRAZY movie last night, "Shutter Island"...quite disturbing, and quite good. Check it.

  2. And next time Liz comes up, I am going to row more, like 50/40/30 calories I think.... Almost did it all over again for WOD 2 today but wanted to do wall balls cos they are so damn fun.

  3. Justin thanks man. I'm really not looking forward it, but I can't live like this. I like working out too much and I can't give the CrossFit.

    Had to sub static chair dips for the rings, because they are killer on my shoulder. Squat cleans RX'd

    TT: 9:25(PMFR) I know it doesn't count but oh well. Makes me feel better.

    Later fellas

  4. Can't give up the CrossFit I meant..

  5. Was at the Fire Station on the squat, do I didn't want to kill myself do to the likelyhood of getting a call.

    Death By Pull-ups

    1 Minute Ascending Pull-up Ladder

    Jacob 15 Rounds (PR) All Dead hang, no kipping!

    The last rep was a little questionable if I got it in before the minute, but I was hanging from the bar so I opted to finish it out and counted it... of coase.

  6. Going to post the video of it today.

  7. I suck at this one, those 135 cleans always kill me. But for what it's worth,

    TT = 15:55

    as rx'd which, unfortunately, is a PR for me (last time 17:30). My one condolence on this one is that I had my 7r old with me so I was pretty distracted.

  8. Chas, I've had plenty of WOD kid interruptions, I feel ya bro!


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