Wednesday, June 23, 2010

DB Thrusters GHDSU


  1. Sick time Jacob. I'm just happy I wasn't a double of yours.

    I don't have the DBs so I did 115# barbell thrusters.

    TT = 11:50

    Man those felt heavy. First round went fine, thrusters unbroken, but they caught up to me and I went 9-6 then 7-5-3. Shoulders are just dead from this cycle. GHDs were also slow, as usual.

  2. WODoers: I ran aobut 3.5 miles this morning with splits of 14:18 and 13:23, tt 27:42. Now it is just time to keep eating right, stay loose, and hopefully run fucking good on saturdy.

  3. Justin good luck on Saturday.
    Jacob the Terminator, sick time dude.

    Dumbbell thrusters don't work with my shoulder, so I subbed with 115# barbell thrusters.

    TT: 8:38

    Side note: check out the Miranda Oldroyd video on HQ. Hot CrossFit chicks..gotta love them.

    Peace out fellas!

  4. Glad to see all those 115lb thrusters.

    Awesome work everyone, rock on!

  5. Hey dudes. I scaled to 40 lb dumbbells, PT says I am not supposed to go overhead at all still but I wanted to try it. Seemed OK. thrusters unbroken in first two rounds, round three I went 10 and 5. Can't do GHDs full ROM so I go to a little past parallel with the ground... so therefore I did 45 reps per round to make up for it, which obviously cost me some time. TT 9:47


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