Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gymnastics For Time


  1. WODoers: Sore throat is almost better, but not quite. It was snowing here this morning so didn't really feel like tumbling through wet grass while getting over a cold. So I did
    8 rounds
    60 yard 90# sled drag
    10 GHSU
    3 Muscle ups
    TT: 19:48

    That was a good wod. Got lots of muscles in the mix but didn't overwork my tender lungs.

  2. This morning was another wonderful example of why I love the CrossFit. It is discouraging that I can no longer do a bunch of stuff, but we must focus on what we CAN do, not what we CANNOT. I really do need to spend some time on Muscle Ups, I'm sure I could get em soon, I can crank out CTB's and Ring Dips pretty good now so why not?

    So I did this:

    3 rounds for thyme
    15 Chest to Bar Pullups
    15 Ring Dips
    10 Forward Rolls
    20 1 Legged Air Squats (alternating legs)
    45 second handstand holds

    I can't walk on my hands without extending (arching) my back to the point of pain but the sub seemed pretty fair from an exertion perspective? Rolls were fun. Got pretty dizzy in round 1 but started getting used to it. Had to learn to curve my back so I didn't slam down on it. Back flexion (as with rolls) is actually good for my wrecked back, it's extension (the other way) that causes problems.

    TT 18:10, sweat dripping all over the place.

  3. Did Coach know I was going out last night? Had a little mini-reunion with some HS friends back from the west coast. Anyway, that made being upside down really fun. I was seriously close to losing it.

    Fletcher, I repeated your WOD, although I had to assist on the pistols (1 finger on the rings). I just don't have the leg strength for them yet.

    TT = 20:20 including time for retching after each set of rolls


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