Thursday, June 10, 2010

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5


  1. Wodoers:

    Ran out of weight for this one. Definetly was close though. Used my weighted vest drapped over the bar for the last set.

  2. What up Fellers.
    Travis and I got into some snatch work the other day one of our olympic lifting coach friends. She said that according to my c&J and Body weight I should be snatching 215. Damn seems so far away from 185, but she layed out a sweat schedule and different things to work on during the week, so back to work and more motivated to get me a big snatch. Travis got a 155 with a current bodyweight of 145 pretty good.

    Justin get you some more weight man! haha weight vest.

  3. 275-295-305-315pr-275

    Then 205x20

    New 5RM PR by 10# from February. I also got in 80 KTEs between sets.

  4. 300x5,300x5,300x5,300x5,300x5

    No more weight, I know I have at least 325 in me x5


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