Tuesday, August 24, 2010

50jt,40sq,30su,20pu,10pu 5 rounds


  1. WODoers: I had to scale this one cause of time and the aftermath of the 400m lunge. I did 10 jumps 20 squats 30 situps 20 pushups 10 dead hang pull ups for five rounds. Still a good wod, just faster and easier on legs.

  2. Hey guys... I was gone for a few days but I am back now. Doing a big mtn bike ride today though. I missed some good WODs that are safe for me that I can going to catch up on. Saturday I went motocross riding (I have a CR500) for 3 1/2 hours and then later that night I played Dodgeball for an hour straight. Sunday and yesterday I was so sore with my bad knee and back from these things... and my left forearm and shoulder were hurting pretty good from firing 1,000 full speed dodge ball rockets!!! Good times.

  3. You guessed subs for me.

    5 Rounds:

    15 20" Step-ups (no jumping allowed)
    20 Squats
    30 Situps
    20 45# Dumbbell Incline Press
    10 35# Dumbbell Curls

    TT: 17:47

    Fun WOD, I'll try it RX'd maybe in November


  4. Going to do the Crossfit Fitness Test, looks so awesome and humbling.

    Crossfit Test #1:
    Bench Press 1 rep max followed by max set of Pull-ups.

    Performance: Ramp up to a one-rep max and within 30 seconds of racking the lift begin the pull-ups. Any grip is allowed on the pull-ups as long as the range of motion is complete - all the way up and down.

    Scoring: Multiply the bench press load in pounds by the number of pull-ups completed.

    4-20 Points Score as follows...
    4pts. 6,000-6,531
    5pts. 6,532-7,062
    6pts. 7,063-7,593
    7pts. 7,594-8,124
    8pts. 8,125-8,719
    9pts. 8,720-9,313
    10pts. 9,314-9,907
    11pts. 9,908-10,499
    12pts. 10,500-11,156
    13pts. 11,157-11,812
    14pts. 11,813-12,468
    15pts. 12,469-13,124
    16pts. 13,125-13,844
    17pts. 13,845-14,563
    18pts. 14,564-15,282
    19pts. 15,283-15,999
    20pts. 16,000+

    Character: This tests the upper body for both absolute and relative strength and stamina.

    Jacob Bench Press 270lbs, Pull-ups 64

    Score: 17,280 20pts.

    I know I could have gotten 280lbs+ for my bench and I pussed out on the pull-ups. Next time 18,000+... Maybe?


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