Sunday, August 8, 2010

Squat,Lunge,Burpee,Lunge repeat

Today's wod in Hell:

185# Squat 7 reps
45# right arm overhead lunges 10 steps
7 burpees
45# left arm overhead lunges 10 steps

AMRAP in infinity


  1. WODOers?

    I did this with front squats and counted the power clean to start as one rep. In a local gym so had some awkward dropping/catching of weight in later rounds.

    4 rounds, 7,10,7,4 lie down for a long break

    Great wod but had a hangover to boot to make this fucker nasty

  2. This looks like a WOD I can do but will scale down the squats. Today I went back in time, in honor of Justin, and did the 6 rounds of running and burpee high jumps. Uh, that one was hard. I am going over there to post it. I'll do this one another day, maybe not tomorrow though, my legs will probably be trashed.

  3. Weak sauce - I made 4 rounds in a little under 20mins. I thought about moving things outside but it was nasty hot, so I ended up having some serious space issues on the lunges, having to turn after each 2, and banged up the ceiling something fierce to boot. I really think that cost me almost an entire round. Kind of sucks, I think this should have been a much better metcon than it ended up being.


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