Thursday, August 5, 2010

Row, Jump, BE, DL

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Back extensions
205 pound Deadlift, 20 reps


  1. I subbed the DL's for more rowing, which means more time it took. I am slow at 24 inch box jumps but I did em instead of like the past where I have done some "step ups"... none of that today.

    I did 3 rounds of
    Row 750M


    After two rounds I was at 14 minutes so I pushed very hard in that last round to go sub 20. Sweat was dripping all over the place! Going from the 750 row to the BJs was exciting. My legs were like "what"? add to that yesterday's bike ride and you have some happy Fletcher legs.

    Also, after 13 years with the same company I am changing careers. I am going to be an Enterprise Sales Account Executive for Dell. Do you like all of those capital letters?

  2. This wods are a pain it the ass to set up and I didn't have time to deal this monring, so I did some dead hang pullups on the metolius and I ran a 5k in 24:23 from a monster pr not on a treadmill.

  3. Congrats Fletcher, or should I say Dr. Fletcher, ESAEfD?

    I'm back after almost 2 weeks off from CF. Wife and kid were on vaca at the beach last week, and I spent most of the time with them except a few days in the city for work. My seven-year-old had surf camp all week and was standing up on the first day! Awesome. Then I was on the road this week until last night.

    This WOD was a good one to get back into the swing of things. Real close to being a puker on those BJs.

    TT = 18:40 as rx'd

    Who knows what my back will feel like tomorrow. I just hope it's a pushing day.

  4. WODoers: If you want to see some cool shit and bad ass dude showing you how it is done, then check out the journal video of training at the pit with john hackleman.


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