Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The deadly 95er

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps


  1. I try not to get too bummed out... but simply put, I just can't do barbell stuff hardly at all. I have been having consistent issues with my back and knee lately and the docs have said there's little to do about it.

    So today I did one of my own for core. Day two back on the CF wagon after missing more than a week.

    3 rounds of:

    30 Knees to Elbows
    40 Back Extensions
    50 36 lb KBS


    Went slowly cos K2E's took forever. Those are just hard damn it. Tomorrow AM I'll make up one of the recent BW WOD's, there were a few goodies in there. That's if I can anyway, knee is still pretty puffy. New job is wacky, TONS to learn, it's madness. It's going to take months to figure it all out. They say a year for new guys, I give myself 3-4 months tops. That's just the way I think though... bang it out.

  2. This morning I did my own thing again, and it was nasty... again. I don't think I'm much easier on myself than coach would be!

    4 Rounds:
    50 Squats
    30 Pushups
    100 feet walking lunge
    30 burpees

    24 minutes on the nose. 120 burpees is sufficient, especially when you throw in 120 pushups for good measure. Good for the man boobs. Went and did some "team building" with my new co-workers today, this included a day on the lake wakeboarding. I had never done that before. Got right up and cruised around, took some good spills, did about 5 or 6 rides. Good times. Now it's time to get to work. Later DUDES.

  3. Oh, and the idea was to work the legs (now that the knee isn't swollen and stiff, always takes a few days) and to do some pushing.

  4. Yeah Dudes. We've been on our own program these days. Yesterday worked on 1 rep max overhead squat.
    Got 265
    then today we did 5x5 shoulder press I did 155
    3x5 push press got 215
    1x5 push jerk got 275

    Glad you checked out the mobility blog justin that stuff is the answer
    Peace out fellers

  5. OK let's see here..."new job is wacky, TONS to learn, it's madness..." and then the next day we hear it kicks off with "a day on the lake wakeboarding." I want that job dude.

    Anyway, I didn't realize it's been almost a whole year since we did this motherfucker of a WOD. I made a PR today, 9 rounds even. I had almost a full minute to spare at the end, but there was no way I was picking up that bar again. My forearms simply had nothing left.

    Guys, can we revisit the protein-supplement question? I've tried a bunch of them, and I think I made some good progress putting on weight last year, but - and not to sound image-conscious here - I was carrying some of that weight around the middle. I cut back, and weight came off, but recently I started feeling like I wasn't getting anywhere strengthwise, so for the past month I've been adding whey protein shakes (breakfast, sometimes w/ lunch, and after working out). Thoughts on the best way to get that added protein to work? Or something different? Much appreciated, Chas.

  6. Chas, fair enough! Today was a "team building" thing since I am the FNG ya know. Here's the protien powder I use, it was rated as "best" by tons of people online, Men's Health mag as well, etc.


  7. Word. Thanks on the link. I swear, in all the time since I started CF that I've read different items on nutrition, supplements, etc., I've found so little consistency that it's frustrating. Anything you read about one mode or another will be refuted by another, equally reputable source. Sometimes I feel like I should just empty the foodbox and buy only steak fish & spinach...

  8. Chas: Thanks for giving me a number to go for. I too would have probably quit at 19 minutes and 9 rounds too, but I kept trucking to get 5 thruster and 3 hpcs.

    This was a great crushing crossfit metcon. I was dripping in sweat from head to toe.

    Chas, just add a couple more veggies and some almonds and I think you have it figured out.

    Protein: I have just been rolling with Smith's generic whey protein, but I am going to give Fletcher's stuff a try. It is about the same price and sounds like the shit.

    Myles: Did you to do 5 singles at 275 or a set of 5, either way that is huge. Also, that mobility wod is fucking awesome, thanks so much for the link.

  9. Warm Up:

    3-5 Reps of each movement in WOD

    3 Rounds for time of:
    5 Squat Cleans, 155lbs
    7 Tire Flips
    9 Handstand Push-ups
    11 CTB Pull-ups
    13 Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood
    15 Double Unders

    Jacob 9:55 Rx'd (2:15, 3:35 and 4:05)

    Not fun at all... totally crumped after the first round.


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