Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weighted Pullups


  1. Jacob, 150 lb WPU? That, my friend, is SICK!

    I wore a 20 lb weight vest for everything here. First time rowing with a vest, it was pretty annoying!

    Row 1K weighted (this was the warmp up) 3:36

    WPUs - in betweeen each rep I did 15 weighted GHDs and 15 weighted BE's, 105 total of each


    Going on a killer mountain bike ride at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow. Can't wait!

    One more week left at the 13 year job, then a week off, then I start at Dell.

  2. Oh, and to compare me to Jacob @170 doing a 150 lb WPU, I weigh 210 today. Uh... yah.

  3. I did some weighted rope climbs no feet cause not set up to do the wpu. Did four rounds with 20# and some weight ghdsu, then went for 30# and couldn't make it the whole way up the rope.

    My arms are unfucking-believably sore from the ring push ups.

  4. Was happy with the pull-up, but I know I wiggle and kip a little more then what would be considered deadhang. Still I think I could clear my chin with 160lbs next time. Till then.

    Going to do some other make up WOD's tomorrow fellas, since I'm back on the horse.

    Yee ha!

  5. Monday's are always the busiest day of the week, so let's get to it...

    Warm Up:

    WOD #1
    50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
    Double Unders

    Jacob 5:06 Rx'd

    10 Minute Rest

    WOD #2
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs
    10 CTB Pull-ups

    Jacob 5:39 Rx'd

    20 Minute Rest

    WOD #3
    Go to work in the ED for 12 hours on a Monday... This is the one that I worry most about.

  6. Hey Jacob, if you add your PR + bodyweight you get 320, me too! :-)

    So pound for pound you are way stronger than me, but overall, I am pulling up 320. OK, back to reality. I'm a slug.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Never thought of it that way Fletcher, but you're right.


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